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Paid to be online – 3 quick tips

Paid to be online 3 quick tips
Paid to be online 3 quick tips

You probably know a few dozen people who are online for hours on end every day, I do too.

It's not surprising with all of the "novelties" coming up every day and it's an easy way to stay in touch with your friends and family.

But if you're like me, you want to actually make that time spent online worth your while. You want to get paid to be online, don't you?

But how are you supposed to do that? Build a website and sell something on it? Or offering some sort of service to people with a website? Promoting someone elses product for a cut of the action? That's all fine and dandy, but those things do take quite a bit of effort and time on your part.

And that's fine if you want to put in a lot of work, but I like easy and simple ways to earn a bit of cash for being online.

*Drum rolls please, and bring in the get paid to sites*

Exactly, you can actually use those "get paid to" websites, like a get paid to click site to earn a decent income. But you'll have to know what to do in order to actually earn something worth talking about.

First of all, you need to do your due diligence. There are loads of scam-sites out there and you do not want to get involved with them. You'll end up paying with your own money and you won't be getting anything in return.

Some of those sites have you click ads for a few months and all of the sudden they're gone, with the money you've earned. Or they sell you an upgraded account for a set fee per year and from one day to the next, they vanish.

That latter one is a common scam with these sites, because if they sell a few dozen of those upgraded accounts for say 90 dollars each, they've got a quick grand for something that might have taken them an hour to set up. Keep that in mind when you sign up for one of those sites.

Second, it's a team effort if you want dollars a day instead of cents per day. And what I mean by that is that you're going to need referrals (and lots of them!). You're going to need hundreds of referrals under you, clicking every day. If not more!

But don't you worry about getting those just yet, I'll explain how you can get as many as you want in a second.

The third tip is do not spend any of your own money with those sites!

Why would I say that? Well if you buy an upgraded account right away, you've just put up your own money. If you use those sites in a smart way, you can actually upgrade your account without it costing you anything but a bit of time.

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