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Getting Wisdom Teeth or Not
Getting Wisdom Teeth or Not

The last molar set that is added to a person's set of teeth is the wisdom teeth. Usually individuals experience the growth of wisdom teeth near the end of their adolescent years. In order to protect against complications and often to resolve any infection, dentists will counsel patients to have wisdom teeth extracted.

If you begin to feel pain or discomfort near the rear of your mouth it may be an indication that your wisdom teeth are coming in. You can expect your wisdom teeth to be completely developing by your mid-twenties. The notion that by age 22 people have acquired 'wisdom' is where the name for wisdom teeth originated.

Because most jaws are not large enough to fit wisdom teeth, there is often associated pain and pressure. In some cases the teeth will stay below the surface of the gums and consistently resurface and resubmerge numerous times. Jaw pressure, gum tenderness and toothache may be experienced as a result of the re-emerging teeth. Headaches are also an indicator.

Throughout the process of one's teeth trying to break the gums and in the development of the molars, other teeth may become misaligned. Crooked teeth and jaw soreness may come about as a consequence of the teeth pushing against nearby teeth. Neck, ear and head pain may occur as a result of the pressure build up from this process. Other misalignments might occur with other sets of molars additionally. To fix the problem it may be necessary to seek orthodontic treatments. In the most severe cases, cavities or cysts may form as a result of bacteria entering the area where the teeth are partially impacted. This will lead to extreme pain and tenderness. This is ground for quick wisdom teeth extraction and also a sure sign your wisdom teeth have grown in.

Yet another method to tell if you are getting wisdom teeth in is through professional x-rays. If you make regular dentist visits a habit, x-rays are often incorporated. Your dentist will be able to determine whether your wisdom teeth have come in by looking at the sets of x-rays they take. Also through viewing the x-rays, your dental professional will be able to tell if complications may arise in the development of your wisdom teeth. Solutions can then be made as to how to proceed. In some acute cases, wisdom teeth roots may grow and develop in an abnormal fashion or the teeth may grow in at an angle causing severe difficulties and pain. To stop any severe cases from forming, it becomes vital that you see your dentist regularly.

Typically you should be able to evaluate if your wisdom teeth are growing in as a result of of jaw tenderness and soreness of your teeth and gums at the rear of your mouth. You can usually feel new teeth below the surface of the gum by running your fingers to the back of your molars. Should you begin to experience any pain around the back molar areas, be sure to see your dentist as soon as you are able, in order to confirm the emergence of your wisdom teeth and discuss options for extraction.

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