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subject: Options for Exercising With Strollers [print this page]

Options for Exercising With Strollers
Options for Exercising With Strollers

Exercise is not the first thing on your mind after you've had a baby. It probably isn't your second or third, either. With a new person to take care of and a new life for yourself that likely involves childcare and work, where does time for yourself fit? Prior to having a baby, exercise at the gym or on a jogging path was part of your "me" time a time to relax, get in shape, and keep your mind of other things. Now that your life has changed, how will exercise with a small child and a 40 hour per week job fit in?

While putting a newborn in a stroller is not recommended, babies six months and older can be placed in a stroller in a supine position with enough support. As a result, taking your child to any location becomes a form of exercise. Some stroller exercise programs take this to a new level. Much like that cardio or toning class you took at the gym, a stroller exercise program focuses on burning calories and firming muscles. Instead of five-pound dumbbells, however, a stroller is your tool. Additionally, such programs focus on strengthening areas, such as your abdominal muscles, that might have become out of shape during pregnancy.

Stroller exercise programs, however, are relatively new and may not be found in all places. Their scheduled time, as well, may not work with your schedule? So, what do you do? Once your child reaches the six-month mark, you can take your baby in a stroller and go for a jog. Not all strollers, however, are designed for jogging paths or even going around corners, and the model you choose for exercise makes a significant difference in maneuverability and your child's comfort.

A standard or travel system model, with four wheels, is difficult to move around curves and corners and does not give your child the best support possible. Jogging strollers, on the other hand, were designed with exercise in mind. After all, you have a new child, and bringing the baby to the gym is not practical. With a streamlined, three-wheel design and suspension, jogging strollers are equipped to keep your child comfortable on bumpy and uneven surfaces and allow you to run or jog on nearly any path asphalt or dirt. Not all jogging strollers are the same, and depending upon your need, some models are better for ordinary jogging and others are better for maneuvering on a flat running track.

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