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subject: Dental Holiday in Thailand : The Ultimate Guide to perfect smile on a budget [print this page]

Dental Holiday in Thailand : The Ultimate Guide to perfect smile on a budget

So, here's the situation.

Your dental health is a mess. Since the company dropped your dental insurance, you can't afford the laundry list of work the dentist gave you at the completion of your last check up. Heck, you're still paying the bill for that appointment and it was even covered by insurance then!

At the same time, you need to get away. You haven't had a decent vacation in years and the stress of being at work after so many people have been laid off and all the extra work it's created for you and the others something's gotta give. The economy is in a shambles, the conversion from dollars to Euros isn't favorable it's a mess. No you have to choose: that sorely needed vacation to boost your mental health or address the minefield in your mouth that you've been putting off.

Why choose? Why not get both!

Take a dental holiday in amazing Thailand. There, you can find cheap cosmetic dentistry practiced by some of the world's top dentists and technicians. This affordable approach to cosmetic dentistry will allow you to get that much needed rest, while at the same time giving your mouth and you a real reason to smile.

Thailand is not only the home of some of the finest dentists in the world, it is also an amazing international vacation destination where thousands of people flock each year for rest, relaxation and cheap cosmetic dentistry.

Go to your favorite search engine and enter "cheap cosmetic dentistry" or "dentistry in Thailand" and you'll find more entries that you can possibly choose from. Or you can read more about my trip to Thailand here.

If you prefer, contact your travel agent. Tell the agent your plans to combine a vacation with a visit to a Thai dentist. Chances are, he or she has arranged similar trips for others and, can not only plan a relaxing and affordable vacation but may also be able to suggest a capable dentist.

The Thai people are legendary for their hospitality and for making others feel right at home in their scenic and exotic land. Why not make your plans today for an exciting and rewarding dental holiday in Thailand.

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