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Combat the fat review - Perfect
Combat the fat review - Perfect

If you have ever been within the military then Jeff Anderson's Combat the Fat (CTF) program will bring back memories of basic training. Even if you haven't been a member of the military, then you will at least get a bit of insight into the fitness training style of the military and if you follow the program, you will reap some of the exact same benefits.

Jeff presents CTF a way of life based on his experiences in the military. He presents it although in a way that makes it accessible and doable for anybody, regardless of their present fitness level-it's not just a program for experienced fitness buffs or ex-military guys. He relies heavily on the use of military strategies and tactics to maintain you motivated and striving to hit your goals-and that is a good factor. There are too many "warm and fuzzy" (and useless) programs out there.

eff begins by asking you to read the entire book thoroughly before begging the program. Next, he reiterates the reality (that no one wants to believe) that there is no magic bullet for achieving fat loss. It takes structure, discipline and persistence to not just get rid of excess fat but to maintain it off.

Next, he launches into the heart of the program. CTF is based on the premise that there are 8 metabolic elements involved in getting rid of excess fat. Ignore just 1 of them and you won't get the results you want. The 8 factors consist of:

Mission planning:

Setting objectives and making your own personalized strategy of attack to obtain rid of the fat is the heart of this factor. With out a detailed strategy of where you would like to be and how you're going to get there, you're doomed to failure;

Quit dieting:

In case you haven't figured it out by now, trendy diets do not work. This section talks about obtaining the correct balance of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats;

Chemical warfare:

In this section Jeff talks about the significance of avoiding artificially-fortified and foods and vegetables treated with pesticides. Here, Jeff also talks about strategies for eliminating toxins from your diet, maintaining correct Ph and much more;

Nutritional fire power:

CTF includes its own 46-page nutrition guide that offers a detailed strategy for adopting healthy eating habits. This section is truly awesome and very well carried out;

Overall, I'd say that CTF looks like an outstanding, no-nonsense program that may really assist you to to achieve the results you would like. If you are searching for a warm fuzzy program that gently nudges you together with positive reinforcement although, you might wish to look elsewhere. Jeff's got a no holds barred, in-your-face style that challenges you to accomplish your fitness objectives without mincing any words.

The next thing you have got to pay for attention to is your nutrition. You have got to re-vamp your diet so you include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your every day meals. This also means cutting out the fatty fried foods, doughnuts and pizzas. Limit the number of sodas you've inside a day as these have extremely high sugar content. Hamburgers and other fast food will not provide you the best nutrition so put a cap on these kinds of food. In fact, you're able to really combat the fat if you prepare your meals within the kitchen from fresh produce!

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