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subject: Review & Coupon Code [print this page] Review & Coupon Code Review & Coupon Code is offering a fantastic coupon code that you can redeem right now. For now, you can get next day shipping, free shipping, and $5 off when you click the coupon code link below:

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At, you will be able to get holiday and event cookies, classic favorites, fortune cookies, cookie bouquets, gift boxes and baskets, and much more. You will even get free shipping on many of the items they carry and next day shipping automatically included in you rpurchase. tries to do one and one thing only and that is making the best, most delicious cookies that they can in order to make customers keep coming back over and over again.

If you need a gift for your co-workers, friends, and etc., try getting them a beautiful and tasty basket of cookies or many a bouquet of cookies. These original designs and tasty cookies will impress the entire crowd while keeping everyone's belly's full. even has a section of their website dedicated to gift ideas and you can even search by occasion, so if you want some Christmas cookies or maybe some St. Patty's Day cookies, you'll be able to find something. No one wants a dumb office gift that they will just throw away as soon as they get home, so why not cookies!? The way to anyone heart is through their stomachs, so order a basketball from right now. is so confident in their orders that they have a 100 percent satisfied guarantee with your order. So if you are not provided with fresh, quality products, will take care of it.

Check out right now and get yourself next day shipping, 5 percent off, and free shipping on many items when you click the promo code link below:

First, Click Here to Get Next Day Shipping Included & Free Shipping on Many Items at

Enter "5OFF" at check for an additional 5 percent off!

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