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subject: High performance driver Titleist 909 D3 Review [print this page]

High performance driver Titleist 909 D3 Review

I was in the market for a new driver and after testing and playing rounds with almost all of the top drivers, The clubwas more then exceptional. My normal ball shape is a draw, and honestly i dont like it. To me with this club when i set up to the ball the clubhead looks slightly open, which is what i like to see with my driver and fairway woods. Another thing I love about this club got from Wholesale golf clubs is the 440 cc clubhead, and the low CG, it allows me to tee the ball up for control, which is a must for me when it comes to the driver.

Titleist have bravely bucked the trend to stick to the maximum 460cc head size limit in a bid to offer better players more control from a smaller club. With our perceptions shifted over the last couple of years we felt that looking down at address, the 909D3 did look rather small. But while it may lack the yardage of the other two drivers, the ability to control the trajectory and shape made this an impressive performer.

The very first thing I noticed about this driver is how much better the Titleist 909 D3 Driver looks than last years 907 D2 driver. The smaller head, deeper face, and slightly different paint color make this a very pretty club to set down behind the ball, and at the same time adding the confidence that you will be able to do whatever your game is capable of doing to a golf ball off the tee!

Hitting balls, I noticed this club loved hitting a soft cut time and time again. I could hit it straight, or draw it, but I felt I got the best feel, constant ball flight, and control out of hitting a little 5 yard fade over and over again. Like most Titleist drivers, this is by no means a distance club, but it gets the ball out there plenty far enough, and the control you have over the ball with this driver far out weights the few yards you will be loosing.

For anyone who has stuck with Titleist drivers, this is a no brainer, but for those looking for a little more traditional looking club head that will allow you to work the ball in today's super high MOI world, I suggest giving the Titleist 909D3 a try!

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