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subject: Gain Accuracy, Save Money: METTLER TOLEDO GWP Verification [print this page]

Gain Accuracy, Save Money: METTLER TOLEDO GWP Verification

METTLER TOLEDO's GWP Verification assesses the performance of weighing equipment to ensure accuracy. A one-time investment in preventive maintenance lowers quality control costs and improves balance performance year after year. Better weighing - and the quality it brings - can even enhance final product consistency, brand reputation and sales

GWP Verification helps ensure peace of mind. Many companies do not know whether their weighing instruments actually meet day-to-day accuracy requirements. Furthermore, many manufacturers either test balances and scales too often or not often enough. Quality suffers; balances repeatedly fail appraisals. Testing costs skyrocket as operators struggle to make improvements in the absence of reliable data and guidance.

Many companies do not know whether their weighing instruments actually meet their required process accuracy. Furthermore, most companies test their balances or scales either too often or too infrequently.

Do you want to benchmark your weighing equipment, eliminate unnecessary testing costs and reduce the risk of inaccurate weighing results?

With GWP Verification, however, weighing results become more accurate. Using a fit gap analysis, METTLER TOLEDO experts measure a manufacturer's balance performance against accuracy requirements as well as the standards of the balance's original equipment manufacturer. Experts then review current quality management efforts and balance testing regimens.

GWP Verification uncovers whether a customer's current tests and testing schedule can ensure accuracy by assessing current performance versus ideal operating standards. If they cannot, METTLER TOLEDO metrology experts make recommendations that establish helpful weight classes, safe-range nominal values and effective testing frequencies. With the right test weights and test types, testing of a manufacturer's balances is optimized to deliver the highest quality results on a consistent basis.

METTLER TOLEDO CarePacs are one strategy used to lower ongoing maintenance costs. CarePacs allow a manufacturer to purchase only the weights required for routine testing instead of more expensive sets. Once weights are up for recalibration, cost savings solidify. Proven METTLER TOLEDO SOPs enhance employee productivity, too.

For more on how benchmarking quality management system performance using GWP Verification can help lower testing costs while enhancing quality control and balance performance, visit For information on reducing balance maintenance costs using CarePacs, visit

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