subject: Learning Via Online Assessments [print this page] Learning Via Online Assessments Learning Via Online Assessments
In looking to raise the bar of their children's learning, many primary school aged parents are starting to turn to continuing the learning from home. Whether this is English or maths, parents no longer have to be sleeping partners in their children's education.
However for any parent who has attended a parents evening, monitoring your child's progress or following difficult to understand charts and graphs can be extremely frustrating. In fact, improving their own understanding of their children's educational needs is a key reason why many parents seek to support their children with their English or maths skills at home, and subsequently boost achievement in reading, counting, spelling and writing.
Reading to a child has been found to be one of the most effective and satifisying ways for parents to help their child with their English skills. Simple steps to consider:-
Reading to a child can help boost their understanding and confidence. Engage them further by making the stories fun and interactive by asking questions after each chapter, to help increase their comprehension of the story.
As the child gets older reverse roles, and get them to read to you. You could start by taking it in turns to read a few pages each.
Involve your child in as much of the process as possible, including deciding when and where to read, as well as allowing them to choose book that interest them. Look for children's books that are part of series. That way, if they enjoy the book you can then read the subsequent books in the series, to stimulate them further.
If your child has a special interest or hobby, build on this with books on the subject matter.
It is important to focus on writing and spelling skills and strategies at an early stage in a child's development. Just like reading comprehension, a key element of writing and spelling is a child's confidence and belief. This can be developed by making learning fun and giving praise, so that even minor achievement become something to be proud of. Celebrate success at every opportunity, including asking your child to tell others about their achievements.
One of the points most parents raise is that they would like to be more aware of the the specific areas in which their child is not making the desired level of progress, and they would like to be able to support their needs at home. . However, feedback from schools is often limited; is not not presented in a format which is easy for parents to understand; and lacks reference to methods or resources to enable parents to take their own action to support their child's needs. Many parents go wrong at this stage, as they seek to act independently of the school, without real understanding as to whether their efforts are complementing the learning taking place at the school, or simply confusing their child..Through the use of multimedia available via the internet, parents can get an understanding of which areas their child may be need help in, and actually begin to address their needs.
Perhaps one of the most revolutionary ways of doing this is through the use of online assessments. Online assessments are a fast and effective means of empowering parents, and enabling them to monitor children's progress, whilst boosting children's confidence and stimulating learning. This approach is ideal for core educational subjects of English, maths, science and ICT for primary school aged children, as they enjoy the online delivery, and of course there is no marking requirement for parents. Reports are automatic and immediate, and provide parents with key information which they are better able to act upon, and which they can also share with schools, in order to enhance overall understanding of their child's needs.
Online assessments support the parent looking for more affordable way to help their child without employing the services of a tutor. They are also tangible, as parents can see the results for themselves as soon as their child completes the questions. By using assessments in this form parents are able to access a wide range of subject materials, which are written for the level of comprehension of the child.
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