subject: Finding a Consumer Debt Advocate [print this page] Finding a Consumer Debt Advocate Finding a Consumer Debt Advocate
If you are behind on your payments to credit card companies, you may have begun receiving debt collection calls. Perhaps you simply ignore the calls when your caller ID shows that they are toll free' or if you recognize the name of the company that is calling. However, if you don't have caller ID or you are unsure of the caller and answer the phone, you have understand how hard it can be to receive these calls. They want you to pay right away and they let you know in no uncertain terms that your credit rating will suffer if you can't pay the full amount that is due within a certain time period.
If you have suffered a change in your income, such as a job loss, then you may not be able to make the payments. If you have a variety of consumer debt with several companies, you may have a serious problem that may require a consumer debt advocate to help you solve. An advocate is a person or company that works for the consumer to get debt relief, usually in the form of settlements. Debt settlement can be a way to reduce or eliminate the unsecured debt that is owed to a particular company or companies. This can help a person avoid bankruptcy and the additional credit problems that are associated with it. It does not eliminate all credit issues, as you will get hits on your credit report each time you are thirty, sixty, or 90 days late, or have a continuing late issue.
By working with a consumer debt advocate, you can be assured that you have someone on your side who understands the laws for consumer protection and rights under contract law. If your advocate is also a lawyer, then you will have a better chance of winning if the case goes into litigation. Having an attorney can also assist you with harassing debt collection calls. You can simply say that you are represented by an attorney and that all questions about the debt should be directed to your attorney. This allows you to move on with your life without having to dread the ringing of the telephone.
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