subject: Know the Basic Facts About Unclaimed Money [print this page] Know the Basic Facts About Unclaimed Money
It is pretty common for sudden bills and expenses to come up, especially when you do not have the money to pay, but it probably never seems like extra checks or other sources of money appear out of nowhere. However, you may be surprised to find that you might indeed find random money owed to you, as long as you perform a search for it. In fact, there are several websites that allow you to search for unclaimed money that either a company or the government owes you. Find out more about this type of service.
Unclaimed money may come from various sources. You may have nearly cleaned out a checking or savings account years ago, forgetting that there was a little money left that has been earning interest since then. You may have quit a job and been too busy to return for a paycheck that seemed insignificant at the time, or forgotten about stocks, traveler's checks, or refunds. Additionally, a utility company might have neglected to give you your deposit back when you moved. These are just some examples of unclaimed money that may be out there, waiting for you to discover and claim it.
Of course, most websites that advertise this service aim to make a profit off those trying to find unclaimed money. They usually allow you to search for your name, bringing up at least one result and possible dollar amount that they say could be yours. However, you have to pay in order to access the search results. Fortunately, the government does have a free option for you to find unclaimed money, which can be located by typing "missing money" into a search engine. You can then perform a search for your name on the website, and if you find money that is owed to you, fill out a form with your contact information. You will have to send a form to the government in order to get your cash, but getting money that you forgot about should be worth the time this takes.
If you are currently broke, you may find that locating unclaimed money is quite helpful, especially since it is usually free to do. As long as you have an internet connection, a few minutes, and a printer, you can get the cash owed to you, typically within weeks. If you perform a search and find that you do not have any unclaimed money, be sure to check periodically just in case.
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