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Online Writing Types

Online Writing Types
Online Writing Types

There are many ways that can make money for you from writing, actually it will not earn you as much money as a freelance writer but it might be the best second writer, here is some information about it and how to join these networks for free without paying a penny to join any network.


very simple job and its popular in this days, and I know it not worth it because most website offering very low payment but still there is other paying good payment per survey $1.5 per survey you can find this link below, be aware survey scam sites, because there are many survey sites are scams and do not pay a penny to join any survey site, all real survey sites will not ask you to pay anything to join and the reason is they want everyone to join them because every completed survey they get paid by companies, so don't waste your time & money in any survey sites that ask you for fee to join.


There are websites offering paid quizzes, actually payment are not very high but if you can make creative & tricky questions although you can make good money from it.

Reviews on Products:

Well, all people's are buying products, so before you buy any product you go and read reviews to know which one is the best and of course everyone has different comment on any product, so you will get paid to write a review about specific product and they don't mind to write negative review about the product, frankly payment is well good and do not pay a penny to join any of these networks.

Writing For Affiliates:

Affiliates is the most growing network in the internet this days, this job based on commission it's same as sales man but they are working online, when they refer anyone to specific product once they buy the product they get commission, all affiliates are using article marketing because its free service and they can drive a good traffic to their websites through articles, and they need on every product they promote at least 20 projects, and they need writers like you to write for them short articles, payment around 5-$20 per article.

Technical Writing:

Actually it required a lot of knowledge and proper information about the subject. You have to make yourself visible for everyone and ready to answer any question with reasonable answers, and payment is high.

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