subject: Know The Facts Before Looking At Yorkshire Terriers For Sale [print this page] Know The Facts Before Looking At Yorkshire Terriers For Sale
The Yorkie is a wonderful dog to own, and for many individuals, there isn't another breed of dog that can compete with the lovable personality that this dog brings. When you are looking for Yorkshire Terriers for sale, you are looking at one of the most popular breeds on the market today. While very small in size, the Yorkie can pack a huge, loud bark that can help ward off strangers in your home. Yorkshire Terriers tend to weigh about seven to nine pounds, and rarely get above ten inches at shoulder height. Yorkshire Terrier puppies for sale are often put under the "toy" group, which classifies them as a small dog that is often used much like a child's toy. There is really no use for this dog besides playing with it and having a good time, but no one really declares this to be a bad thing. Some main characteristics of dogs you will find in the toy class are altertiveness, cleverness, an active social life, and curious in nature. A main fact you should keep in mind when looking at various different Yorkshire Terriers for sale is that this breed of dog loves to be around people and other dogs. Any Yorkshire Terrier puppies for sale won't shy away from you when you first meet them. They will love their family fiercely and bark at strangers who they find to be ill natured. Yorkies love to bark when there is trouble around to warn you of possible danger. This is usually a great quality to have in a dog, but it can sometimes get to be annoying. For this reason, it is important to train your Yorkie to bark only when there is some danger around. You do not want your Yorkshire Terrier to just start barking whenever it wants. Sometimes the puppies love to bark, even when there is nothing to bark at. Children love looking at Yorkshire Terriers for sale because of their small size and how playful they turn out to be. When you are looking at different Yorkshire Terrier puppies for sale, don't dismiss the inputs your kids have on the dogs. Most people find themselves working for many hours of the day, so the kids are usually the ones who spend the most time with the family dog. As long as you have someone around to play with the dog and give it some attention during the day, you are likely to find that the Yorkshire Terrier is a great choice. Time for exercise and social interaction is important for this breed, so you may want to pass if you don't have time for your dog.
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