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subject: Starting A Home Business - How Giving Away Your 1st Ebook Can Make You More Money [print this page]

Starting A Home Business - How Giving Away Your 1st Ebook Can Make You More Money

Starting A Home Business - How Giving Away Your 1st Ebook Can Make You More Money

When it comes to making money online, the first things you have to do all have to do with eliminating the buyer's nerves, which is best accomplished by giving them something of extreme value absolutely free of charge.

This is why writing an ebook and giving it away for free, while it may seem backwards, is actually the first step in building fans and a loyal following of people who will be more than willing to pay you for your next product.

Here are four reasons why giving away your first ebook will actually help you make more money in the long-run:

#1 - Giving it away demonstrates your expertise for free

People want to sample the product before they pay for it, so when you give people your ebook they can get an idea of how well you know your information and ultimately how well you can help them. Writing an ebook that is of high-quality and that could command a lot of money, then giving it away, will demonstrate that you are in fact an expert and that all your subsequent products will deliver on value and quality.

#2 - Builds trust

People won't pay you unless they trust you, this is why online entrepreneurs who have popular blog with lots of free content often make multiple six-figures per year. The more trust you can instill the more money you will make, so giving away something loaded with great content is a fast way to build the trust you need to make money online.

#3 - Pre-sells your leads

Not only does giving away an ebook demonstrate expertise and build trust, but the combination of those two things will actually pre-sell your readers on all of your upcoming products. Pre-selling someone means that when you develop a new product in the future, all you have to do is tell them it is available and because you impressed them before for free, they are going to be more willing to simply hand you their money in exchange for your product(s).

#4 - Helps people for free

Even though the purpose of starting a home based online business is to make money, you have to have a strong desire to actually help people improve their lives. When you give something away for free that actually helps people out, they will recognize this and this too will ultimately help you make more money over the long-haul.

Do you want to know the exact steps needed to start your ownhome based business?

Learn how I do it by downloading my FREE "Online Business Success Blueprint", clickHERE for instant access.

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