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Reduce the Risk of Buying Spectacles Online

Reduce the Risk of Buying Spectacles Online

Although purchasing spectacles online offers many advantages over buying spectacles on the high street, such as cost, selection, convenience and service-there are also potentially some risks in the online purchasing experience. Obviously the most common challenge when selecting spectacles to buy online is that you are not able to try on the spectacles before you actually buy them. There are things that you can do however when selecting a spectacles frame to purchase online in order to ensure that the fit of your new glasses will be as close to ideal as possible. For single vision spectacles whether for distance spectacles or reading spectacles there are well-established dimensions that should accurately reflect the size of the glasses on your face. Typically these dimensions consist of the width of the spectacles frame, the length of the arm supporting the glasses and the "bridge distance" which is a measure of the separation between the spectacles lenses as they are supported by the nose.It is very common for these measurements to be printed on the inside of the spectacles arm and of course should be easily researched when shopping for precription glasses to buy online. Most online glasses sites specify these sizes in the details section of the glasses that you are considering. Of course the easiest way to make sure that the glasses that you are buying online will fit you comfortably is to buy the same size glasses that you have been comfortably wearing before. This is where the printed dimensions on your existing glasses really provide value in the online glasses buying experience.The second most obvious concern when buying glasses online is that you do not have the opportunity to discuss the new glasses in person while physically wearing the glasses, or to have them examined in situ by a glasses technician. Of course in the virtual world of buying glasses online it is impossible to provide a physical buying experience, but most online glasses retailers today have a very generous return policy for any spectacles bought online. In most cases if you are not happy with the prescription glasses or the comfort of the spectacles frame when you receive glasses that you have bought online, you are able to return them for exchange or refund within a reasonable time.Another option that some online glasses retailers offer is called "try at home"-where you are able to select some frames from the online glasses selection and have them delivered to your home for you to try on and perhaps get the opinion of others regarding the style or fit of the glasses. When you have decided which glasses frame is most suitable for you, you may return the sample glasses frames for a full refund and just order the glasses online that you have determined are a best fit for you.The vast majority of glasses bought online can be easily adjusted for minor comfort tweaks at home with easily available tools such as needle nose pliers or small screwdrivers. The easiest and first change that should be attempted to make the glasses fit more comfortably on your face is to move the nose pads slightly in or out to make sure that the spectacles balanced correctly on your nose and that they sit in a comfortable position and distance from your eyes.And exception to the suggestions above is if you are attempting to buy varifocal spectacles online, as in order to ensure the correct fit and optical range, a series of more complex measurements must be made. This is one of the reasons that varifocal spectacles tend to be much more expensive as they can take a substantial amount of time to make sure that the glasses prescription is correct and that the glasses lenses are made in such a way to optimize the individuals visual field. This has obviously been a challenge in buying varifocal spectacles online, but processes have been developed over time now that have a very high success rate in supplying varifocal glasses online.

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