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subject: Commitment - Are You Committed Or Just Participating In Your Work From Home Business [print this page]

Commitment - Are You Committed Or Just Participating In Your Work From Home Business

Commitment - Are You Committed Or Just Participating In Your Work From Home Business

Early on in my sales career I heard a story that explained exactly what the difference between being involved and being committed to building a life as a business owner. One day on the farm, the cow, the chicken and the pig were talking about their appreciation for Mr. Jones, the farmer. Mr. Jones for years had taken care of the animals on the farm, being there for them 7 days a week no matter the weather. They decide to show their appreciation for him by fixing him breakfast. To be involved the cow supplied the milk, and the chicken supplied the eggs. True commitment to the farmer though was the bacon frying in the skillet.

It is easy to go out and find a building or find an online opportunity and plunk down the money and be a business owner. Going into 30-40 businesses a day, I often see an absentee business owner that allows an hourly wage person to dictate the success of his business. Every business has a personality. Successful businesses take on the personality of the business owner. If it is not the business owner it could be anyone in his employment, to include the minimum wage person sweeping the floor.

As a business owner we do earn certain freedoms to work the hours and the speed that we want but freedom comes at a price. When you start your business establishing the daily systems that your business will operate under and who will execute them begins the process of putting the business on autopilot. Build a manual of everything you do every day so that as soon as you have a method that works you can begin to train someone else to do it. Simple thing such as turning on the lights and booting up operating systems. While these may be things that seem like someone would know how to do, they probably haven't had the experience with it that you have had.

Build the business the way you know it will succeed. Then to grow you business begin to teach people to take over your duties. When you have taught someone to do what you do, you can move on to either different challenges or maybe you are ready to open a second location. A second location is an easy task if you built a manual from the first business. All you have to do is to implement those same procedures at the new business and begin to train someone to follow those procedures.

This is not just for storefront business owners but also for online business owners as well. To branch out into an additional profit center if you have kept a diary of the things that made and kept your first business successful then you don't have to reinvent the wheel for the second business. You can hire people to do what you need done that you don't like to do and give them detailed instructions in what you want done.

If your business is not growing it is fading out of existence. Work your way out of the business working you and into the position of you leveraging your experience. Be committed and not just involved.

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