subject: Multiple Vietnamese visa online [print this page] Multiple Vietnamese visa online Multiple Vietnamese visa online
When applying for a visa to Vietnam at Vietnamese visa online. You must know as to what type of visa you wish to apply for. Once you are on the site, you'll be redirected to a page where there are 2 types of visas that you can choose from. One is the single entry form of visa, which is good for 30 days and a single entry visa that is good for 3 months also. Though this form of visa is much affordable than the other, there's one thing important that you need to be aware of. Once you've applied for a single entry visa for Vietnam, your travel will be limited only within the boundary of the country. Even though you will be allowed to leave the country before the given date that you are due to exit. Bear in mind that once you leave the country you will not be able to go back again using the same visa that you've applied for. The validity of the single entry visa expires from the moment you leave Vietnam, though it may state that you have 30 days and you were only able to use 10 days out of it. You can't force them to let you go back to the country, not unless you apply for a new visa again.
That's the limitation and the disadvantage of the single entry visa, however if your visit is entirely within the country of Vietnam alone then this is definitely the best type of visa to Vietnam.
The second type of visa for Vietnam that you can also acquire on Vietnamese visa online is the multiple entry visas. Such visa is good for people who love to do country tours or hopping. For instance, upon arriving in Vietnam and staying for a week you've decided to proceed to one of the neighboring country. You will still be granted passage upon returning from such neighboring country that you've visited.
If you've come to love the country and its natural beauty and scenery and wanting to stay a longer period of time. All you have to do is re-apply for another visa and to save you time and money as well as be able to get your visa quickly. Vietnamese visa online would be the best option for you. It'll save you the humdrums of falling in lines and waiting for hours just to get your visa, when you can do it by just using your computer.
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