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subject: Buy Drugs Online, would you? [print this page]

Buy Drugs Online, would you?
Buy Drugs Online, would you?

To think of health problems and their subsequent solutions in the world, one automatically reaches the conclusion that health is one of the major profit making industry now days. Employing nearly quarter million people, the gains of this industry are phenomenal. When viewed in relation to the number of people attached, we can see a very high per capita income with a lot of room still available to exploit.

Doctors might be the highest paid people in medicine but at the end it is the retail cartels which are making bucks simply by selling the prescribed medicines to patients. Drug stores, today have their own advantages for public however when not properly regulated, they pose an imminent threat to the general public of that environment. Today a brief yet thorough understanding will be made as to how the drug stores can act as friends or foes.

The benefits of a pharmacy in your area can not be completely described in such a short sitting. From life saving medicines to disease related drugs virtually every type is available to you thanks to the local drug stores of your area. An easy access coupled with a good medicine standardization procedure reduces the tension of already stressed out patients. Not only this but a good drug stores often offers a one window operation and patients do not have to run from one place to another to get their medicines.

To study a doctor's prescription is not a lame man's job. You need to have more than just a normal eye sight, comprehension and an extraordinary bit of imagination in order to just understand what is written. A pharmacist is the only person that fits in this description and will probably remain so. Of course other than the doctor himself... So you need to hit the drug store inevitably if you have been prescribed a medicine.

Like every page has its other side, a drug store is not all about gains and advantages. The main problem associated with medical outlets is that they are a resource point for drug users. People who are addicted to some specific drug often exploit the irregularities of their system to get what they desire. This poses an imminent threat to our society which is still trying to outmaneuver the menace of heroin. Then, there is the monopoly of medical stores which is very strong and works well to get its demands accepted. The prices of even life saving drugs are at the mercy of drug retail outlets and nobody can challenge their verdict. And in the end it is the public that has to suffer.

In a nut shell drug stores are neither a friend nor a foe. A good and effective implementation of policies can help us minimize their bad effects on society.

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