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Social Media - TiYo - This is You Online

Social Media - TiYo - This is You Online
Social Media - TiYo - This is You Online

Social Media - TiYo - This is You Online

Before the launch of YouTube in 2005, there were few easy methods available for ordinary computer users who wanted to post videos online. With its simple interface, YouTube made it possible for anyone with an Internet connection to post a video that a worldwide audience could watch within a few minutes. The wide range of topics covered by YouTube has turned video sharing into one of the most important parts of Internet culture.

An early example of the social impact of YouTube was the success of The Bus Uncle video in 2006. It shows a heated conversation between a youth and an older man on a bus in Hong Kong, and was discussed widely in the mainstream media. Another YouTube video to receive extensive coverage is guitar, which features a performance of Pachelbel's Canon on an electric guitar. The name of the performer is not given in the video. After it received millions of views revealed the identity of the guitarist as Lim Jeong-hyun, a 23-year-old from South Korea who had recorded the track in his bedroom.

Charlie Bit My Finger is YouTube's most-viewed user generated video.

Charlie Bit My Finger is a viral video and has received the most views of any user generated YouTube video. It had over 245 million hits as of November 2010. The clip features two English brothers, with one-year-old Charlie biting the finger of his brother Harry, aged three. In Time's list of YouTube's 50 greatest viral videos of all time, "Charlie Bit My Finger" was ranked at number one.

Tiyo (This is You Online) is a service that enables users and companies to manage, receive advice on, and grow their online presence in a way that is rewarding. The company was formed in 2011 and has the strong backing and involvement of experienced social media experts who want to give the companies involved, control over their own marketing. Tiyo is focused on providing analytics and a wide diversity of potential leads for their customers, and aims to provide industry based high income individuals as well as lower income individuals.

Tiyo's concept has been described as ''A Social Media Management system in a box''. The system is being released Mid 2011 but in the meantime visit us on Facebook to learn more, when viewing us on Facebook hit the 'Like' button to keep informed!

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