subject: Is Making Money Online For Me? [print this page] Is Making Money Online For Me? Is Making Money Online For Me?
If you have ever considered being your own boss, working from home, setting your own schedule, walk-away income or supplemental income, then this article is for you.
Business opportunities abound today. Just take a look around and you'll see office space for rent, small to medium sized convenient stores for sale and so on. Although, each one of these businesses are not without merit, in most cases the financing and experience required to become successful, is lacking. I know I have personally tried a few of these options. Once you get past the hurdle of financing, you usually have long hours "at the office" to look forward too.
Furthermore, the overhead required to stay in business is a constant concern, each and every month. Fail to achieve your sales quota one month and you may not be able to pay your bills. This consistent pressure of making sales and paying bills is a key reason why businesses fail. According to the SBA (Small Business Administration) over 50 percent of businesses fail in their first five years.
However, there's another way, one that does not require long hours and huge overhead. Over the past thirty years a new marketplace for commerce has been developing. This "new" marketplace is located on the World Wide Web and has given buyers and sellers an opportunity to connect on a global scale. Ecommerce as it's called is projected to reach 197 billion in 2011. Furthermore, as more and more people come online each day, thousands of new markets are being created. All of this growth creates endless possibilities.
There are three online business models in particular that we will discuss. They are Google AdSense, Affiliate Marketing and Info Products.
Google AdSense provides an opportunity for people like you and I to generate revenue with our websites. Revenue is generated when visitors click on ads that you allow Google to place on your website or blog. An intuitive aspect of Google AdSense is that they are content related. For example, if you have a website or blog about fishing, the displayed ads will be fishing related i.e. fishing rods and reels, lures, boats and so on. People who have no experience making money online are now earning part-time and full-time incomes using this model alone.
Another popular business model is Affiliate Marketing. Recommending a favorite product or service is something we have all done. Now, Affiliate Marketing allows us to get credit from our referrals. Businesses understand the retail potential of affiliate marketing and are setting up their own programs. There is no charge to enroll into these programs and setup is easy.
Lastly are Info Products, which include any product that can be downloaded such as books (eBooks), reports, videos and software. The demand for downloadable products that can be put to use right away is growing. Forrester Research, an independent technology and market research company, estimates the number of personal computers in use worldwide will reach 2 billion by 2015. Most of us do not have experience writing reports, books, and computer programs or creating a video. The good news is these resources have already been setup and can be used for free.
Info Products key benefits include:
No inventory
No shipping
Products are delivered automatically
Do the work once and get paid over and over (residual income)
No overhead
Each of these business models can be used independently or in conjunction with each other. They can be built at any time and at your own pace. It's important to do your homework when considering investing your time and hard earned money. Take your time in researching any business opportunity in order to make the right decision.
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