subject: Your final destination is the day of reckoning! [print this page] Your final destination is the day of reckoning!
Your final destination is the day of reckoning!
Your final destination is the day of judgment where you shall be brought to be held to account for you life in this world. Your final stop is this very day where your atoms shall be reconstituted as before to form you and shape you in your earlier shape and form.
The same power that made your atoms, for without these atoms you do not exist. You come into this life with your shape and form, and myriads of systems that constitute your own body, form your mental and psychological systems. You are nothing without these atoms. Then these atoms must be put together in order to make you what you are, a respectable creature belonging to the human species.
Then, these very atoms are made in such a way to grow up, multiply and make your cells. Put through the process of ageing these atoms again are set at permanent work to make your age process. Then one day your atoms stop functioning in your present form and they disintegrate announcing your inevitable death. Would you like to resist? Try!
All these poor atoms have to undergo whatever happens you and duffer the vicissitudes of your life. Bo so much interesting for these atoms, for they would rather share with you your stinking shit, your miserable illness and your unfortunate life that you might pass through.
But they suffer your existence and you give them hard time to follow your desires and lusts. They have to tolerate your company and then rot with in your grave. Rats and cockroaches devour these atoms and they have to put up for you.
The same power that has put your atoms together can re-put them again, and in the shape and from as before. Even your genetic three millions of characteristic chart and your own finger prints shall be all brought again to make your miserable body once more.
All this runs as scheduled and the train of your life arrives at its final destiny, your day of reckoning.
Then your poor atoms, should you be a bastard ungrateful disbeliever not to recognize the power that made and put your atoms together, shall all suffer for you hell fire and burn for ever.
But should you be wise, and this can be next to impossible for you, and believe in this power and your day of destination, then your atoms shall enjoy good life for eternity.
So make your choice what destiny you would like your atoms to live!
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