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Watch Your Highness Online – Where You Can Enjoy & Watch Your Highness Online – 2011

Watch Your Highness Online Where You Can Enjoy & Watch Your Highness Online 2011

Your Highness is set in the time of brave Princes, handsome Knights and rescue of Princess from the evil hands of group of ruffians. With this movie you will be transported to the era of Kings, Princes, and knights quite easily. Directed by David Gordon Green, this 102 minute fantasy has some amazing comic elements also.

This is story of Prince Fabious and his incredible journeys. The film starts with the kidnapping of the beautiful bride of Prince. He has to rescue her and on the way there are many dangers and his only friend in the path is useless brother called Thaddeus.

During the search of Princess Isabel you will see Prince Fabious slaying dragons, conquering evil ruffians, and even enjoying time with his family as well. The search for princes is essential in many ways, as the evil ruffians can destroy the kingdom easily. While the elder Prince is earning the hearts of the people by doing brave acts, the younger is quite shy to do the leg work at times.

The fights in the movie are very interesting as well. There is no smoke and mirrors in here, some of the stunts and daring acts have been performed by the actors too. While the special effects do make a huge part of this movie as we all wish to see magic. The storyline is quite realistic and modern as well.

The humor element in this movie is provided by gullible little brother of Prince Fabious called Thaddeus. He is often the reason that Prince has to make huge efforts to stay out of trouble. While he is also prince, we are not sure if he is as brave as the Prince Fabious as often he is seen shying away from troubles.

The casting of the movie is totally done based upon the looks of the actors. While the handsome Prince Fabious is looking warrior like with all the tan and long hair, the younger brother is shown with some extra pounds. This might not be politically correct but surely one has to wait for some time when the fairy tales will have more Sharks then Handsome Princes for sure.

The Watch Your Highness Online cast includes some incredible actors including Natalie Portman as Isabel, and James Franco as Prince Fabious. Besides the main lead there are some amazing actors including Zooey Deschanel, Danny McBride, Justin Theroux, Charles Dance, and Toby Jones in there as well.

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