subject: The Tips and Tricks That Increases Your Probability of Getting Pregnant Naturally - Get Pregnant Naturally - How [print this page] The Tips and Tricks That Increases Your Probability of Getting Pregnant Naturally - Get Pregnant Naturally - How
Many a times women fail to conceive despite being clinically fit. Normal intercourse between a couple is not the sole parameter to enhance the chances of getting pregnant. Efforts go in vain when couples enter into intimacy during the period when women undergo menstruation, while leading a stressed lifestyle, and many more reasons. There might not be any health complications, yet women fail to conceive. Why does this happen? How to find out a solution for such kind of problems? What are natural ways to get pregnant? Read the article to find out the answers to your doubts.
Get Pregnant Naturally - How
Right Time
Doctors say that women should try to conceive during their most fertile days. This is the period when they are ovulating. So how do you know when you are most fertile? Women are considered to be the most fertile after 15-20 days of completion of periods. The cervical mucus discharge also thickens symbolizing that you are ovulating. During this period you will also feel the intense urge to have sex with your partner. And the right time to get pregnant knocks!
Enjoy the Experience
Do not enter into a forceful intercourse or under the compulsion of having a baby. This negates the chances of conception. You cannot sustain your urge once you are not in the mood. It's important that both of you enjoy the experience of love making and so, lighten up your mood. Indulge yourself into a lot of foreplay to reach orgasm. You will definitely overcome the odds of getting pregnant when you unite passionately with each other.
Correct Position
This is one of the most important factor governing pregnancy. If you have wished to become a mother, then position yourself in the right way! Let your partner be on top of you while having sex. Raising your legs in the air will allow the sperm to flow easily towards your ovum. You can also push a pillow under your hips and elevate them after intercourse. Restrict yourself from being over your partner while trying to conceive. These were certain subtle techniques that increases chances to get pregnant.
Stop Contraceptives
While planning for a family, you must stop taking contraceptives. The contraceptives should be paused at least 3 months before becoming pregnant. In this context you can check out the conception calculator based on due date. Instead, use condoms. Using a condom is safe and it doesn't pose any threat to your internal health. When the right time arrives move ahead with an unprotected sex. Follow the tips on the natural ways to get pregnant fast, written in the aforementioned paragraphs.
Proper Lubrication
You must apply natural lubricants on vagina while having sex. The same applies for your partner too! Chemical based lubricants are not safe when you actually want to have a baby. Chemicals sometimes act like spermicides that decreases the motility of the sperms. Herbal lubricating agents, gels and lotions are absolutely safe. The most common and safest measure is to opt for pure petroleum jelly for lubrication. Get more tips on getting pregnant naturally.
Herbal Supplements
It's a well known fact that intake of certain herbs increase the probability of getting pregnant. They are also recommended to women throughout her gestation period. At the same time, you must also know the herbs that should be avoided while trying to conceive. The herbs that boost fertility in women are red raspberry herbs, ginger root, false unicorn, nettle leaves, slippery elm bark, oat straw, fenugreek, sage, saw palmetto, chamomile, red clover, etc.
So these were some of the natural ways to get pregnant. Above all, you must have a balanced diet to meet the nutrient demand of your body. Take a break from unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, staying awake till late night and eating at odd hours. Keep yourself free from stress and enjoy the unique feeling of making love with with your partner. Seek medical help if the probable methods of getting pregnant fail to show a positive outcome.
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