subject: Incentive Reward Program - Million Dollars Travel Incentive Plan in Queensland [print this page] Incentive Reward Program - Million Dollars Travel Incentive Plan in Queensland
Premier Anna Bligh has unvailed the plans for start of the one million dollar ineentive plan for tourism in Queensland. This incentive is offered to all the international busineses who wish to showcase their work, and help in bringing tourists to the country. This is the unique offer. This has to be seen as the natural extension of the Fly to Asutralia compgain. In which the air fare and stay for all the participants of last season of Oprah was paid in an effort to showcase the Austraialin tourism potential to Americans. The million dollar memo compagin is under way and few lucky ones will dafinately win the cuvted prize of one million dollars for sure.
Jan Jerratt, the Tourism Minister, is leading this four year compagin. The total worth of the compagin is more then six million in total. This incentive is offered to companis from all over the wold. The minister has confidance that this compagin will produce 1.7 million tourits from inside and outside Australia as well. The purposed benefits from this inentive is said to be close to more then three hundred million dollar. Anyone can take part in this compagin, even I they have just three staff members or ten thousand.
Both the local and international firms are all in full alert after reciving this memo. The global challenge has made few head turned in this new race. What the government wants to see is the international and local firms to bring up the standards to the international level. This scheme is foucesd on the Gold, Sunshine coaset and Whitsundays. Particpantion in the million dollar menu is quite simple. The firms are to submit their purposal or show case their work in full glory. It is expected tha the respoe for this innitiative will be quite strong as well. Premier wants to bring the multi billion dollar invesment to the Queensland as result of this.
With the purposal the companies are requiested to submit a compelling video showing their business and value that they offer. Later on the government plans to use the best of these establishments to not only place in the winning circle, but also will be showcased in the tourism to Queelsand video as well. While there are different faces of Queensland, the best purposal is requied to Incentive Reward Program bring out best of what is on offer. Few important things from the Queensland inlude sun, surf, relaxation, and wildlife parks.
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