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Two options for whiter teeth
Two options for whiter teeth

Probably all of us would love to have a shiny white smile. But due to certain reasons sometime the whiteness of the teeth is lost It could be because of natural causes or some bad eating habits. But sooner or later we come to realize that our teeth are really getting bad. They are getting weird with their appearance. And such yellow or discolored teeth are affecting our personality very badly and this tooth discoloration needs to be treated with immediate effect. Well if you talk of teeth whitening there are several options that will arrive in front of you. Their suitability depends over particular medical condition and the extent of discoloration. In all cases reference to some good dentist will allow you explore the various teeth whitening options.

There can be several reasons for a bad smile the prominent among them are bad oral habits and eating disorders. Bad care refers to those who rarely brush their teeth, give them the least attention. While the eating disorders on the other hand can include consumption of staining food like excessive tea, coffee, wine or smoking. All this stuff tends to fade away the natural shine of our teeth. Now we can classify the teeth whitening systems to two categories, one is the in office teeth whitening treatment while other is the at home teeth whitening solution. Both these treatments have their own implication depending on the type of discoloration you have.

For the general tooth discoloration you can go for at home oral care and whitening products. These can include the teeth whitening gels, whitening trays, teeth whitening toothpaste, ionic tooth brush and many similar teeth whitening products. With the regular use of these teeth whitening products you can surely have the lighter shades with your teeth. But if the discoloration is so hard to remove then you can go for the in office teeth whitening treatment. The in office treatment may feature one or more visits to the clinic. The dentist will apply the hard oxidizing agents over the teeth that will clear away the discoloration over the teeth. And even then its hard to clear away the discoloration, you can go for the veneer implants. These are the composite laminates that are fitted over the front teeth. To summarize you will notice that the in office teeth whitening options are far more expensive as compared to the at home teeth whitening system.

And if you look out for the in home teeth whitening products there are thousands of them in the market. But you are to choose the one that particularly suits your oral health. Your gums and teeth may prove sensitive to some of these whitening agents. So choose the one that suits you. And for that you can refer some dentist or get the products in high quality. Besides you need to take proper care for your teeth. You can use oral irrigator after meals for fresher teeth and better effects with teeth whitening.

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