subject: Is Selling the Same as Helping People Buy? [print this page] Is Selling the Same as Helping People Buy?
If you are a gym owner, visit an upscale department store to buy a new pair of shoes. You may realize something surprising. Gym owners and managers can learn a lot from a customer-service-centered department store about selling. The way people shop for shoes and gym memberships is almost identical.
People enter a department store (or gym), walk a few laps, maybe do a few calf raises, decide if they like what they see and whether they feel comfortable, and then they buy.
Listening is Step One in Sales
When a customer walks into a gym, rather than selling them a membership, listen to their needs and show them how to meet those needs. When you listen and advise based upon a prospect's individual needs, you stand a much better chance of building a positive customer relationship and making a sale.
Ask Probing Questions
A good shoe salesman wants to help solve a problem. He does not ramble on about the hundreds of great shoes stocked in his storeroom. He doesn't tell you what kind of shoes to buy. He doesn't tell you how much you should spend, and he certainly won't push the fabulous red open-toed pumps. Instead, he asks a few probing questions like, "Can I help you?" "What kind of activity will you expect from these shoes?" "How does this pair of shoes make your feet feel?" Then he actually listens to your responses.
Customers Don't Want to Hear About You
Does your sales pitch revolve around equipment, classes, weight tonnage, and size of your pool? Even worse, do you ever degrade a potential client with a statement like "If you leave today, you are only going to get fatter."
People join gyms to meet an individual need, whether it's socialization, improved health, or to feel attractive in a swimsuit. Every person is different. Listen and then frame up your benefits accordingly.
Learn to Sell from Others
1. Successful sales is an art. Bring in a sales consultant to help your sales staff learn effective salesmanship.
2. Read. Search online or visit your local library or bookstore for books about selling.
3. Learn from your current clients about the benefits they experience through gym membership.
4. Place yourself out there as a potential customer in all kinds of situations and learn from the experience! Make sure you visit a few gyms. This will help you know what kinds of questions come up from the customer's perspective.
5. Go to a high-end department store and see how they lead you through the buying process...and don't be afraid to tell them you need shiny new pumps!
6. Use your club membership software to manage your sales pipeline and keep prospects and current members engaged.
The lesson learned and worth considering? Support the buying process instead of pushing the selling aspect.
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