subject: Travel to the Calmness within [print this page] Travel to the Calmness within Travel to the Calmness within
We live in times of uncertainty and change. The pace of technological change is awe-inspiring, exciting and a little scary. Cell phones were introduced in the 1980s and in 30 years we are already using the 4th generation wireless technology. Previously, people just talked on the phone. Now people are texting, surfing the web, emailing, checking facebook updates and watching videos on their cell phones.
In the midst of the change we often long for an oasis of calm and stability. Technology has made the world a smaller place so we have more opportunity to travel both physically and virtually. Many people live in several different cities, countries and even different continents over the course of their lives. We feel attracted to the change but at the same time wish to be grounded in certainty. Yes, it is a joy to travel around the world and see the glorious Amazon rainforest, the unusual wildlife on the Galapagos Island, the volcanoes in Hawaii, the ancient pyramids in Egypt and eat Italian food in Italy. At the same time we long to feel comfortable and at home. Ironically, although we don't realize it most of the time, each one of us has a zone of calmness in our own selves. Yoga is the practical way to bring us more in tune with our own bodies and mind and access the deep pool of calmness within. Yoga helps us find security in our inner spaces.
Yoga literally means "union", the union of body, mind and spirit. The term yoga, as it is popularly used, refers to "Hatha Yoga" which is an ancient system of physical exercises or postures that stretch the whole body and invigorate the internal organs. The exercises bring balance to the body and have a special impact on the nervous system and the endocrine systems.
Yoga, in a wider sense, actually refers to a system for overall well-being and includes breathing exercises and meditation. Art of Living's Sri Sri Yoga program teaches the exercises in a holistic way making it a meditative experience. Sri Sri Yoga is practiced in a relaxed manner without straining the body. The exercises are done with awareness of the various parts of the body. The yoga exercises when done in this way and when combined with breathing and meditation, bring our minds to a peaceful state. John Tortorello, a yoga instructor with the Art of Living foundation from New Jersey says, "Yoga puts me in touch with that peaceful space inside where there is perpetual satisfaction."
The different courses of Art of Living emphasize different aspects of self-development like physical exercises, breathing, meditation, singing, social service, intellectual understanding, leadership training and healthy eating. Art of Living is a global non-profit organization that teaches yoga all over the world. It is a volunteer-based organization which in 30 years has taught millions of people in 150 countries.
The overall goal is to give us the experience of peace within ourselves in a natural and easy way. When we experience the harmony within, it harmonizes the rest of our lives. Our relationships and environment also become more harmonious and we express our strengths. We express more and more the joy and love in our hearts. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of Art of Living, says, "Repose in that peaceful, cool, calm, serene, depth of your Being that is immensely valuable and precious. Bring the mind, which is all over the place, back to its source."
In the modern world, while we have more opportunities to have a variety of experiences the pace of change has also made our lives more insecure. Sometimes we feel like the rug is being pulled from under our feet. Yoga allows us to maintain our poise. The Art of Living programs teach a holistic blend of yoga, meditation and breathing techniques so that we can experience this ease. Our true home is within. Then we can enjoy the variety and change that modern life has to offer and at the same time feel comfortably at home wherever we are.
"The inner -- what is it?
if not intensified sky,
hurled through with birds
and deep with
the winds of homecoming." ~~ Rainer Maria Rilke
On April 9th, Art of Living is hosting a special one day session of meditation and yoga in the presence of the founder of Art of Living, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Meadowlands Expo center a Secaucus, New Jersey. For information see ( ). Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is also conducting "Meditate NY" at the Lincoln Center, Avery Fisher Hall, in New York City on April 10th Come, join us and experience the peace within!
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