subject: Australia's Wild Weather - Is the Noughties' Climate Making Life Insurance More Necessary? [print this page] Australia's Wild Weather - Is the Noughties' Climate Making Life Insurance More Necessary?
It seems that every time we turn on the television there is a new natural disaster to report on ... many of these disasters, and many of their associated deaths, are occurring in both Australia and the rest of the developed, in addition to the traditionally high death tolls that occur in developing countries with poorer infrastructure and greater housing density. These mounting death tools that constantly invade our awareness are undoubtedly making us more keenly aware of our own mortality. With thoughts of mortality, come thoughts of what will happen to your family after you die ... and thoughts of life insurance. Today we examine whether the wild weather in Australia and across the world makes life insurance more necessary in the current era than it once was.
The Australian Disasters Death Toll
It always helps to go back and look at the facts and figures when thinking about the real risk to our lives from natural disasters. Some recent disasters with their associated death tolls include:
2010-2011 Queensland floods: Death toll of approximately 44
Black Saturday bushfires: Death toll of 173
South eastern Australian heatwave (Jan to Feb 2009): Death toll of 374
South eastern Queensland heatwave (2000): Death toll of approximately 22
Hunter and Central Coast flooding (June 2007): Death toll of approximately 10
Eyre Peninsula bushfire (January 2005): Death toll of 9
Boxing Day tsunami around Thailand and Sri Lanka (2004): Australian death toll of 26
Samoan Earthquake (2009): Australian death toll of 5
Is a Natural Disaster Death Becoming More Likely?
Various factors play into our risk of being killed in a natural disaster, as well as the accumulated death toll of any particular disaster. The climate is one, and we can note and plot changes in the climate and frequency of natural disasters quite readily. Another is the density of population - greater density means more people killed in any particular disaster. The other is the way we plan for and manage disasters, and this is indubitably getting better.
Heatwaves have been the most lethal type of natural disaster across Australia's short history, from the 1800s onwards. If you
So, Is Life Insurance Now More Necessary Than Ever?
Your need for life insurance should be based on your personal life circumstances as well as your family and personal health histories ... not natural disaster frequencies! Natural disaster deaths, such as from fire, drowning and injuries, account for less than 1% of all deaths worldwide per year. You are far more likely to die from a lifestyle disease, from cancer, from stroke, pneumonia or a car accident than a natural disaster ... and these occur every day.
If you have children and don't have life insurance, buy it now ... but don't base your decision on the frequency of natural disasters!
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