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How Much Car Insurance Costs

How Much Car Insurance Costs
How Much Car Insurance Costs

In a perfect world a motorist would be able to simply ask what the cost of auto insurance would be, but the truth of the matter is that there is no set price for automobile policies and the premiums charged by each company for each driver can be quite different. In fact, one motorist may be pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars less than another driver for the same exact product. This is because many factors come into account that alter the rate a carrier must charge to insure particular motorists and automobiles.

The best way for an individual to find out how much is car insurance is by contacting a company or agent and obtain a rate quote. But one must be aware that each carrier has a different set of rates based on previous profits and losses, experience with specific classes of drivers, and claims specific to certain geographical areas as well as other factors. Therefore, in order to find the most accurate estimate of what an automobile policy would cost, it would be best for a motorist to get price quotes from a number of various insurers. The prices will likely differ with each carrier, but by obtaining quotations a consumer will be able to see what a reasonable rate would be and what may seem exorbitant.

Major Factors Affecting How Much Insurance Costs

A big factor that affects the cost of automobile coverage is the driver. Most consumers are aware that committing multiple traffic violations and/or being involved in numerous traffic accidents may be cause for insurers to charge higher premiums to motorists. The reason for this is that drivers that tend to be involved in such situations are considered to be a higher risk than those shown to have a clean history behind the wheel of an automobile. Drivers without records of tickets or accidents will usually pay less than risky motorists. A driver's age and gender will usually have an affect on costs as well. Teens and males are often charged more than more mature motorists and females are likely to pay less than a male. This is because statistics show that younger drivers and men have a higher involvement in accidents than their counterparts.

Another factor that can have a big impact on a premium price is the type of vehicle being insured. This can be due to a number of reasons. For instance, an accident is much more likely to occur for those who operate sports cars compared to those who drive minivans or family sedans. In addition, some vehicles are targeted for theft and the cost of to cover such risks would be higher than an automobile that has a low theft rate. Other details of vehicles are taken to account as well such as safety features and accident frequency. Drivers and automobiles are probably the most heavily weighed factors affecting premiums, but there are other items that have an effect as well. The state of Washington provides a publication titled, How to Save on Car Insurance that names additional factors looked at by insurers.

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