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The surgical procedure known as gastric bypass reduces the size of your stomach, and allows some food to bypass its normal route through the small intestine. After this procedure, you will feel full more speedily than you did before. This will reduce the amount of food you consume. The small intestine bypass means that fewer calories are absorbed, so this also will lead to weight loss.

When your digestive system works normally, food will pass through the stomach and into the small intestine, which absorbs most of the calories and nutrients are absorbed. Then the food passes into the colon, which removes the remaining waste.

In the most often used bypass, the Roux-en-Y, the surgeon will create a pouch at the stomachs top, making it smaller. Then the now-smaller stomach will be directly connected to the mid-portion of the small intestine, which effectively bypasses the remainder of the stomach and the small intestines upper portion.

Gastric bypass surgery is usually considered when your BMI (body mass index) is 40 or higher, or if you have some condition related to your excess weight that is disabling or potentially life-threatening. Your doctor will not usually recommend you for a gastric bypass unless you have tried and have been unable to lose weight with other measures.

The other conditions that are considered include:

Youve been seriously obese for over five years.

You dont have any alcohol problems.

You dont have any psychiatric disorder or untreated depression.

You are between the ages of 18 and 65.

The majority of people who have gastric bypass procedures begin to lose weight quickly, and they continue to lose weight for about a year. Studies have noted that people, post-surgery, lose about one third of the weight above whats considered healthy in one to four years.

Like any surgery, gastric bypass procedures pose a risk that you and your surgeon should discuss before you agree to the surgery. A few of the risks you may encounter are incision infection, a stomach leak into the abdomen, or a blood clot in the lungs. Roughly 33% of everyone who has had the surgery developed gallstones post-surgery, and some developed anemia. Sometimes the gall bladder is removed during the bypass.

In gastric bypass surgery, the bypassed part of the intestine is the one where most vitamins and minerals are absorbed. Due to this, you may develop anemia, or a deficiency in vitamins, magnesium, calcium or iron. You may need to consult a dietitian to work on proper meals and supplements.

After a routine gastric bypass, most people are able to resume their normal activities within three to five weeks. You may encounter a syndrome where food moves too rapidly through your stomach and intestines. This can cause diarrhea, faintness, sweating, weakness and nausea. Stay away from high-calorie, sweet foods if you feel any of these symptoms. These do not occur in a significant number of post-bypass patients.

If you have had extensive gastric bypass surgery, you are at greater risk for nutritional issues and complications. Some people may require monitoring of their condition, and they may need special medications and foods for the rest of their lives. Find all the details about Cosmetic surgery uk and Cosmetic surgery prices.

by: webmaster cosmeticsurgery

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