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subject: Helpful Tips On How You Can Have Publicity For Free [print this page]

Advertising your business really requires a lot of time, effort, money and creativeness. One of the ways to get the attention of your prospective customers is to garner a lot of publicity. How much will a good publicity cost? Actually, no need to pay a professional to have it done. You can get all the publicity you want if you just know who to contact or what to do or where to start. Below are some tips on how you can get a free publicity for your business:

1) Get in touch with the press. What better way to get publicity is to be constantly in touch with the press? Make submitting press releases a part of your marketing plan. Give them information about your company and how it operates, let them know about new contracts you won, new hires, even charities that your business is supporting. Most newspaper reporters won't meet with every single would be homebased business owner that want to meet with them. You can also volunteer to become one of their business columnist or article contributor. Another effective tool you can use is a press release. You can also use it for free because usually, other webmasters are more than willing to include them in their sites to add content. For example, you are having a big sale or a new branch is about to open, it is the perfect time for you to launch a press release.

2) Volunteer as a guest speaker. Being part of public seminars or organization meetings can give you the publicity you want. You can volunteer to give a speech and let them know some business management ideas. Keep in mind that your speech should not always discuss things about you and your business. You should not do a speech that only advertises your business, your speech should be informative as well.

3) Distribute newsletters for free. Distributing newsletters online needs a very small budget but provides a lot of "bang" for your buck! Newsletters help build a connection to your reader, it's a small step to go from subscriber to customer.

4) Offer an interview. Press people would be delighted if you can inform them that you are willing to do an interview with them whenever their topic is something you know very well. Approach reporters and editors and tell them that they can contact you anytime.

5) Send a "letter to the editor". Read the newspaper daily. Not only do you stay on top of your industries news & events, but you can also express your opinion in a letter to the editor. Remember to always be professional in expressing your comments. Use polite words even if you disagree with the article.

6) Offer to teach in a class. Being visible is very important. You can volunteer to teach a class either at a school or an organization on your subject. When people see you often, they will begin to see you as the expert on that particular subject. People love to do business with the "perceived" expert in the field.

7) Write articles and distribute them on the web. Article directories are very popular sites for people who are looking for information on a subject or webmasters looking for more content. Make sure you always include an "about the author" box with a link back to your website.

8) Offer free webinars. Also known, as online seminars, webinar is a great way to increase your online group of followers. One big way to keep people joining your webinars is to offer a lot of online training. You should try to create a schedule that your followers can get used to following and incorporate into their busy schedules. You can also create podcast and videos from these webinars and upload them to your site. That way they also provide even more content for your visitors.

9) Give quality products and services. The best way to get publicity? That is to make sure that you are offering quality products that your customers would surely enjoy. If they are happy and satisfied, they will tell their relatives and friends about you and your products. Remember, producing good quality products is still the best marketing strategy

Copyright (c) 2009 Elizabeth Ross

by: Elizabeth Ross

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