subject: Ringworm Causes and Treatment to get rid of Ringworm Rash [print this page] Ringworm Causes and Treatment to get rid of Ringworm Rash
The term ringworm or ringworms refers to fungal infections that are on the surface of the skin. The name is derived from the early belief that the infection was due to a worm, which it is not. Ringworm is a fungal infection in the skin. Nevertheless, the name ringworm remains. Some of these fungi produce round spots on the skin, but many do not. On the other hand, many round, red spots on the skin are not due to a fungal infection. A physical examination of the affected skin, evaluation of skin scrapings under the microscope, and culture tests can help doctors make the appropriate distinctions. A proper diagnosis is essential to successful treatment.
Read more on Home Remedies for Ringworm and Leucoderma Treatment and also visit on Herbal Supplements for Psoriasis
Ringworm Causes
Ringworm can be due to many things. The major causes of this skin disease are accumulation of sweat in the covered areas of our body, such as underarm, waist, thighs, between fingers, etc. Another cause of ringworm is using clothes, towels of the person suffering from ringworm or other skin disease. This infectious disease is caused also due to pets like dogs and cats and also through the untreated prolonging wounds on the body.
Nobody likes to have skin problems, least of all ringworm, as it can be quite unsightly depending upon where it is on the body. If it is your scalp then you could potentially end up with some bald patches that are quite inflamed looking and flaky like bits of dandruff.
But what steps can you take in order to prevent this condition?
Well the answer to this is a good daily cleansing routine and regular washing but this is not to say that if someone were to contract ringworm that they are necessarily dirty people but that they are more susceptible to the condition.
This can be said about young children as before they reach the age of puberty they tend to have certain amounts of oils in their skin which can help accelerate the growth of the fungus that causes the condition which is one of the reasons that children between the ages 4 to 14 are more likely to have this condition at one time or another.
There is also the fact that children will get closer to domestic pets because they like to pet them and cuddle them and if the pet had ringworm then the child will inevitable contract it as well.
Thorough cleansing of the skin and patted dry can reduce the skins environment which helps flourish the bacteria. Washing hair once a week with tea tree oil based shampoo will go some way in helping prevent ringworm of the scalp which has got to be one of the worst places to have this skin disorder.
Gentle exfoliation of the skin will also help rid your skin of the dead cells and unblock the pores and apart from giving your skin a healthy glow you will also be reducing the risk of any other skin disorders.
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