subject: The Importance of Asbestos Survey in UK [print this page] The Importance of Asbestos Survey in UK The Importance of Asbestos Survey in UK
Asbestos survey assumes importance to establish the presence of asbestos containing materials in a particular area, its accessibility and what measures can be taken to carry out effective treatment of the affected areas.
Exposure to asbestos is one of the greatest risks which affect employees, premises and businesses related to certain trades. There are stringent legislations developed to safeguard the working atmosphere and mitigate the ill effects of asbestos exposure. Every commercial property developed before 2000 must be assessed for the presence of asbestos and awareness training is also mandatory for those trades.
Builders, carpenters, shop fitters, electricians and plumbers and many other personnel associated with the construction industry are exposed to the risk of asbestos related diseases. Deaths from asbestos related diseases are on the rise. The problem is particularly severe in Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK where asbestos is extensively used in thousands of different building applications.
Asbestos survey assumes critical importance because it helps in safeguarding the substance as well as removing it from many products where it is used. It is extremely helpful in detecting potential dangers that materials containing asbestos can have on those handling it and on the surroundings. Asbestos surveys can help alleviate the risks and safeguard the lives and the health of those working in or nearby the premises.
The regulations are very clear about what they expect from non domestic properties in the UK. Asbestos appraisal for the presence of asbestos containing materials is a legal requirement that must be complied with and documented. Regulations also demands that work that are likely to expose employees to asbestos must not be undertaken until a proper assessment is conducted to identify the risk levels. Employers are expected to provide instruction and training to those employees who are at a risk of getting exposed to asbestos. Training must be imparted regularly to update the employees on the latest developments in the field.
Asbestos when left alone does not cause too many issues. But their safe removal is crucial to the well being of the employees working in such an environment. Asbestos survey is a crucial and mandatory requirement for any employee before they undertake any work on a residential or commercial property in the UK. Any work that disturbs the fabric of a building or premises must be inspected for asbestos containing materials before such works are commenced.
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