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Is a Home Based Business Right For Me?

Is a Home Based Business Right For Me?
Is a Home Based Business Right For Me?

Is a Home Based Business Right for Me?

By Michael Griep

I can answer that question in 3 short words.. YES, YES, YES. The fact that you are researching is a clear indicator of your desire to pursue a home based business. Rather than discuss the benefits of working from home, let's first examine the traditional workplace. Whether you are hourly, salary, or a commission based employee, you are financially tied to compensation plans designed by your employer. In short, the "man" gets his before you get yours. Think of yourself as a lone hyena waiting for the pride of lions to finish their kill. Yes, you'll eat, but how much and what will be determined for you. There's the issue of travel. With gas prices heading skyward, calculate the savings you'll get without the daily commute. Then there is the job security situation. In this economy, regardless of your occupation, the threat of downsizing, outsourcing, or financial cutbacks are real.

The best time to search for a new career is while you are still working. Many people begin a home based business while currently employed and work their business to the point they are able to fire their boss. Sound appealing? I bet it does. How do you know if you're suited for a home based business? Simple. Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit, willing to take calculated risks for short and long term gains? You have to understand a home based business is not much different than a traditional business.

Businesses thrive when revenues exceed expenses, whether home based or brick and mortar establishments. If you are disciplined, willing to learn, and have a no quit attitude, you are very well suited for a home based business opportunity. One thing that you need to make sure of is to have a good support network. Spouses/ significant others, family, friends should be willing to give you the emotional support you need. Do your due diligence, plan accordingly, and most of all believe in yourself. Home based businesses are increasing in popularity, the time is right for you to maximize your potential.

Good Luck


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