subject: Spoiled Children – Where Do YOU Draw The Line ? [print this page] Spoiled Children Where Do YOU Draw The Line ?
Too often, it seems, parents are far too indulgent with their children. I do not just mean how many presents and treats they buy them. I am referring here to the overuse of praise for every little thing they do which of course will result in spoiled children. If these rewards and prizes are not linked at all to real merit, well, they are not much use. This is not the way to bring up responsible well adjusted adults for the real world out there!
But we have to balance that with being over critical and destroying our children's sense of confidence and self esteem. If we spoil them, they are not prepared or equipped with the right life skills. If we are too critical and severe, we may ruin their self confidence. It seems that we have to walk the tightrope here and try to find the right balance- no pun intended!
We have to be really careful about reinforcing any messages which could lead to our kids getting too hung up about a negative self image and being too critical of how they look, how confident they feel and whether they feel successful or not.
There are other parents who just praise their kids so much that they grow up feeling as if they own the world. They have an exaggerated sense of their own abilities and they may well be in for a downfall. This is another aspect of spoiled children which is often overlooked.
The secret of positive parenting when dealing with potentially spoiled children is to keep a realistic perspective. We have enormous egos and American society thinks it is even better than it was way back in the 1950s. We were a much more modest people then. Look at the figures. In the fifties only about 12% of high school seniors thought that they were a very important person. Just thirty years on, in the 90s, over 80% think that they are VIPs.
We can instil realistic expectations, and constructive criticism without having spoiled children who think that they have already made it and that the world is at their feet. Teaching them life skills and self critical faculties will be the best way we can help our children.
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