subject: How To Buy Land For Pennies On The Dollar [print this page] Real estate investors from across the country have discovered 3 secrets to creating massive cash flow buying land at pennies on the dollar. Let me explain how buying land and creating cash flow works.
First, you have to make the decision to focus some of your real estate investing efforts on finding great land deals to buy. It is a fact is that this is so much easier than most people even know. For instance, there is land located in subdivisions all across the country. The land is currently owned by someone, usually someone that bought the land years ago and just hasn't gotten around to doing anything with it. So, the land just sits there not doing anything for anyone.
The question then is, if the land could create cash flow, why doesn't the existing owner just do it. Well, the answer to that is simple. They don't know how.
The key is this. You must find the subdivisions of land (they are all across the county) and then find the owners. Remember owning the land is not making these owners and cash flow. That's where you step in. You simply make them an offer to purchase their land for cash at a significant discount.
There are several things that create motivation for a seller to sell their land to you at a big discount such as back taxes, tax liens against their property, monthly maintenance fees and just the burden of responsibility some feel in owning land that is not creating cash flow.
The fact is you can buy this land in most cases for between $25 and $500. And now the part you need to know in order to take buy land and create cash flow. The fact is that just because the current owner is motivated to sell the land fast, it does not mean that there isn't great value in the land for another land buyer, real estate investor or just person interested in owning land.
This is where two skills come in to play for you to buy land for pennies on the dollar and create cash flow. First, your ability to market and build a buyers list of hungry land buyers (they are easy to find if you know where to look). And second, you offer two ways for these hungry buyers to buy the land from you and all cash purchase at a discount and a terms purchase where you finance the land for them.
Imagine buying 20 lots of land for pennies on the dollar. Each lot has a retail value of let's say $2,500 and you pay $100 for each piece of land. Remember the land is not making the current owner any money and is really just a mental burden. That's a total investment of $2500 to buy land. Then, you immediately turn around and sell the land to your hungry buyers but you allow each buyer to finance their purchase with you. They put $250 down and you carry $2250 on payments for 18 months.
That means their down payment covers your total investment plus puts $150 per lot in your pocket. And, you get $125 per month cash flow for the land financing you just created for your land buyers. All this add up to $3000 profit in your pocket and a $2500 per month cash flow.
This is how you can buy land for pennies on the dollar and create cash flow very quickly. I encourage you to learn more about this land investing strategy and start incorporating it into your business today. It make dollars and sense.
by: Rob Swanson
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