subject: Acn Mlm Business - How To Explode Your Downline And Succeed With Your Acn Business [print this page] Are you trying to grow your own ACN business? Well, you probably aren't experiencing any results, even though you follow every advice you get from the company. Therefore you have to stop doing the things that ACN tells you to do, because these things are nothing else but the reason for a 97 high failure rate. By you reading this I assume that you are tired of not seeing any progress and that you really want to find ways to explode your downline.
Well, I am happy to say, that I have great news for you! You can really succeed with ACN, but in order to do so, you have to stop wasting your time on things that aren't working, such as talking to friends and family, trying to make them become costumers and even distributors, handing out business cards, magazines and DVD's, bringing people to hotel meetings and all that stuff. As I mentioned before, these techniques causes nothing but failure, and you have to forget all about them if you want to succeed with your ACN business. And now to the good stuff, the things that will make your downline explode:
1. First thing first - marketing is really all about knowing your audience and NOT about trying to convince everybody that your services are the most amazing ones ever. You have to target your market, leave your friends and family alone and only spend time on people who actually have an interest in what you are offering. Believe me, this is much more fun than talking to people who don't really want to hear what you have to say, and it's far more effective. You need to find people who already have a need for the benefit of your services. And trust me - it is never "everybody".
2. Now, you need to understand the benefit of the service/product in order to become successful with your ACN business. The truth is that people don't really by products and services; they buy hopes, dreams and solutions. And the solution provider is YOU.
3. And to get your ACN business growing you have to get leads, leads and more leads! Leads are actually the lifeline to your ACN business. You can buy leads from list brokers, but if you don't want to spend money, you can create them online yourself - for free. And to get good quality leads, you have to 1. know your audience and 2. understand the benefit of your service and product.
4. And last, position yourself as the expert! This is really important for your success with your ACN business, and there is a great way to do this AND get leads. You should have a data capture page (squeeze page), because this is the most effective way to grow your ACN business.
Now, the most important thing for you to do is really to recognize the fact that working your warm market, going to hotel meetings and handing out business cards and DVD's won't make your downline explode, but that the above WILL. Once you forget the things that aren't working and start educating yourself in marketing your downline WILL explode and you will succeed with your ACN business.
by: Casper Frederiksen
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