subject: 5 Best 'Work From Home' Business Habits to Form [print this page] 5 Best 'Work From Home' Business Habits to Form
If you want to work from home, you had better be prepared to work. Many people think that working from home means sitting in front of the TV all day or that you're able to go out and travel and do whatever you want to do. Well, sure, that's the eventual plan. But at first you're going to have to work like any other small business owner. You never know, you may get lucky and be one of those people who make it right away. But chances are you're going to have to create a solid business infrastructure through plenty of hard work over time so that you can build a sustainable business that 'then' allows you to do what you want in life. Until then, buckle up partner, because you're going to have to create an atmosphere for earning. These 5 best 'work from home' business habits will help you do just that.
1. Form Your Goals
This sounds ultra simplistic and you've probably heard it a million times, but this is the only way you're going to get anywhere with a home business. Think about it, you probably have the phone ringing, you have neighbors asking to borrow sugar and you may even have kids to take care of. Without clear cut goals and a solid plan, you're not going to succeed.
Therefore, every day open a spreadsheet or get out a piece of paper and set out your long term goals and your short term goals. If you want, make shorter term goals. The shorter you can make your goals, the better you'll feel about yourself because those goals will be easy to reach. Then, once you have your goals laid you, you'll know exactly what you have to do.
2. Follow Certain Steps Each Day
Once you have your goals clearly written out, following the small steps it takes to reach those goals will be easy. Plus, when you know exactly what you have to do, you'll be less likely to keep checking your email, surf your favorite sites or spend all your money on Amazon.
As an example of setting goals and following steps, let's say that you bought into a great business opportunity and that you know you need to customize your landing page and autoresponder email messages. But that's only some of what you need to do. You also need to gather leads and sell products and anything else that results in you bringing in more money. But you must take baby steps and you must have steps to follow each day or else you're too likely to get distracted. That's when you're likely to get frustrated and give up.
3. Drown Out the World
If you don't have a way to shut the world off for a little while, you're going to find it very difficult to deal with all the distractions you're likely to experience on a daily basis. The birds chirping, construction work, leaf blowers, lawn mowers and even the neighbor kids can make you want to climb a clock tower when you're trying to get your work done. Instead, get a pair of noise cancelling headphones and find your favorite music to listen to. Or, practice meditation methods where you can focus completely on the work you're doing. Either way, figure out a way to cut out distractions and you'll be a money making machine to be reckoned with.
4. Gauge Your Progress
Every week or so, find out where you are with your goals. Don't do it every day, just like you shouldn't get on the scale every day when you're trying to lose weight. Your progress will fluctuate just as someone's weight will fluctuate two to five pounds depending on the day. Your web stats may be way up one day and down the next. But if you start keeping records weekly, you'll soon see what's working and what's not. But only when you gauge your progress can you truly know where you're going, and whether or not you're staying on track.
5. Press Harder When You Feel Like Quitting
Every person who has ever tried and succeeded to make money online has had that moment where they begin to doubt what they're doing is working. It happens to all of us. We'll learn this super technique and we'll pour ourselves into it. But then a day or two or even a week passes and we start to doubt that all that work is worth it. Then we get online and see what others think and, what do we find? We find someone saying how much that technique sucks and here's a better way, and on and on. It's a vicious cycle that never ends.
When you feel like giving up and you feel like what you're doing isn't working, press harder. Write more articles, go out and get more leads, send out more emails, because you're closer to succeeding than you suspect. Your wanting to quit is just like the dieter wanting to rush for the doughnuts the moment the going gets tough. But if you press on when you begin to feel this way, you'll see that those feelings pass very quickly and you'll eventually see just how effective the technique you're using can be.
No matter what you do with internet marketing, you will succeed if you give it your all and you have patience. But if you follow these five tips and you have faith in yourself, you'll succeed at whatever venture you choose to pursue.
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