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Review of Oriflame Cosmetics MLM offer
Review of Oriflame Cosmetics MLM offer

While searching MLM opportunities to review I came across one I have not heard of yet and could create a little competition for other cosmetics companies selling through the direct sales platform.Oriflame Cosmetics is an MLM opportunity offered by a company based out of Stockholm, Sweden. The offer is that of a direct sales marketing position; let us look at what they offer.

Oriflame Cosmetics was founded over forty years ago by two brothers James and Robert Jochnick in Sweden. They started out in a small office and with the rapid growth of the industry now have over two million beauty consultants in 62 countries worldwide.

They appear to have most of their consultants based in Europe, Asia, and Africa, South America and Mexico but very few if any in the United States or Canada. That fact alone should create a niche that should not have very much direct competition from representatives selling the same products.

The products offered are for hair care, skin care, cosmetics and perfumes all made from their Swedish blend of cosmetics all claimed to be the best on the market. With over forty years of research, they claim to be of the highest quality. The website explained all the products and the opportunity but not the cost of either product or opportunity without signing up.

The position of a beauty consultant is a direct sales position and recruiting others to join ones team making commissions off retail sales and over ride commissions on down line sales.When joining the Oriflame Cosmetics team the consultant will receive a starter kit, support tools, marketing tools, brochures, pamphlets and catalogs every third week of the month showing new launches and promotions. The Oriflame University is also included for in depth training on product knowledge and business training.

The MLM opportunity appears to be a sound one for the experienced direct sales marketer. The lack of consultants in the U.S. and Canada may leave room for substantial growth assuming the product catches on and can compete with the big cosmetic companies already here. However, someone new to the internet or direct sales may struggle. The training, coaching and mentoring are available for anyone who wants to work from home without selling but is willing to put forth the commitment.

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