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subject: Keyword Tactics You Must Use For Your Online Home Business [print this page]

Keyword Tactics You Must Use For Your Online Home Business

Keyword Tactics You Must Use For Your Online Home Business

To ensure greater internet presence for your online home business, you need to ensure that the search engines can find your website and blog. Yet search engines don't rank sites, they rank pages within websites and blogs. So the key is to make your pages more prominent in the search engine results. Regard the search engines as the gateway between the searcher and your website. They take what the searcher is looking for then source the internet to locate the most suitable content. Therefore, if you create good content that has the keywords included then the search engines will discover a match and return your page to the searcher. By using your indentified keywords naturally on your webpage or on your blog will enhance the potential for that page to be ranked higher in the search engines. But where should you ensure you are utilising the power of keywords within your website and blog? There are some places where you must ensure that you are using your top keywords in order to flag up your website or blog when the search engines go searching for the keywords that are being searched for. There are six places where you should be looking to use your keywords to increase your search engine optimisation. The first place is in the actual url of your website. If you can, try and utilise a keyword that is regularly used for searching content though it does not need to be the top ranking one. The second is in the window title. It is the text at the very top of the page where the description of the website or blog is placed. Use your top ranking keywords here and don't forget this title will be shown and highlighted when your website appears in the search engines. Next, use your top couple of keywords in the headline of the website or blog. This text is prime real estate for the search engines and by utilising keywords in a natural way, you will have achieved a great tactic of search engine optimisation. Next is to use a structure of keywords within the context text. Make the text flow naturally and write for the reader not the search engines. Don't over stuff the text with keywords as you could well be penalised. A keyword density of about 3% for your top word is good. Don't forget to use keywords in your links. These are the clickable links that take the visitor to another page. Rather than use "click here", the call to action should include a keyword that is relevant to the page that you are taking the visitor. Plus, it is essential that every image that is used on a website or blog must have a keyword in the description. In the source code, you will find that each graphic has an "alt tag". Put in a description of the image using a keyword as the search engines also trawl each graphic to understand what it is showing. It is not difficult to ensure your website or blog is search engine friendly by effectively using keywords to increase the visibility of your online home business. By following proven methods, you can ensure you have created something both the search engines and visitors will love.

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