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subject: The Global Extension Of Android Os & Applications [print this page]

The Global Extension Of Android Os & Applications

Every device works on an operating system, whether it is a computer, laptop, or mobile, etc. All these run on various operating systems. With such a gigantic global market around, there is no shortage of operating systems in the market. One such huge sector is that of Android.

Android, now owned by Google and Open Handset Alliance, had a tough battle to achieve its place in the mobile operating system market since its inception. And today it has been successful in doing so. As earlier, the Android application store used to be debated about for not having a browser based version for users, it was announced and launched only in 2008. In spite of all such setbacks, Android has survived and is one of the most successful and dynamically running mobile operating systems known globally.

The launch of the online store made it way easier for users to search for android applications. It took by storm the enthusiasm of android application developers. The market consisted of talented craftsmen, who developed exciting new apps for Android users almost everyday. Android upgraded its operating system throughout the years and today its latest mobile OS version is 2.3. Android has excelled and progressed to the level that developers as well as users are getting interested in having an Android operating system for tablets. Android developers create, develop and sell applications for devices ranging from high-end smart phones to low-end phones those that run on Android OS. The phenomenal aspect is that, Android has over thrown the world famous Symbian OS behind it! After such great recognition, Android is gradually becoming the preferred choice of most people internationally. Thereafter, the requirement of hiring an Android app developer came forward.

Hiring Android developers is an easy way to get a personalized developed application at affordable prices. But one must keep in mind to hire somebody who is experienced, creative and is associated with a well reputed company. As day after day there is an increase in the users of smart phones, obviously for the multi-tasking features they provide. As a result, the direct or indirect influence is seen on the increasing use of Android OS and its applications (thereby the need of Android app developers). Android App Developers are ahead in terms of keeping track of the latest advancements in technology, operating system versions, etc. They know best, of how to develop the most fitting app for you. They will develop and test the app's functionality and response. Only after it works perfectly smoothly, they will transfer it to you. Developers offer quality android development services to their esteemed clients far and wide, for they understand their value.

The rising demand of android based applications, keeps developers going strong. Developers are content too for working on the open Android software development platform which opens up a host of opportunities and challenges for them to prove their capabilities and come up with something very exciting with every creation!

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