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7 steps to avoid bad auto recycling

7 steps to avoid bad auto recycling
7 steps to avoid bad auto recycling

Auto recycling can be a viable option for those who wish to own vehicles but have limited funds. The dangers of suffering from bad auto recycling, however, are many and as such all prospective purchasers should bear certain things in mind when attempting to purchase recycled cars. Auto dealers and customers alike suffer when auto recycling is not done properly. This is so since the purchaser wastes time and finances and maynot be reimbursed. The auto dealersuffersfrom a poor reputation as disgruntled customers may share their experiences with others.Bad auto recycling also has serious negative impacts on the environment. Seven steps that must be takento avoid bad auto recycling are explored below.

Step One: Vehicle Evaluation

7 steps to avoid bad auto recycling

In this step, the vehicle is examined by auto specialists. The specialists look for the potential for salvaging; vehicles that can be salvaged will be repaired and resold. Those that are not salvagable are subjected to further processing.

Step Two: Fluid Control

Capture all fluids that may still be remaining in the vehicle. Hazardous fluids may damage the health of workers and compromise the value of the salvaged or recycled vehicle or auto part.

Step Three: Careful Dismantling

The vehicle should be disassembled in such a manner that the valuable parts are not damaged. The dismantling process should take place on a seepage resistant surface. Such a surface (like concrete) will protect the earth from unexpected spills. During disassembling, the operators should look out for fluids that may have been inadvertently overlooked in the prior steps. These fluids should be caught in containers and stored for possible reuse or safe disposal.

Step Three: Assess the product Of the Dismantling Process

The vehicle parts identified from the dismantling process should be evaluated to determine their worth and the possibilityof salvaging them. This inspection should be carried out by trained auto specialists.

Step Five: Restore the Vehicle or Selected Part

In this step, the parts that emerge from the dismantling process are restored with the expertise of specialists.

Step Six: Price And Sell or Use

The vehicle parts are either priced and sold or used in the salvaging of other vehicles. The selection of one or both of the options listed previously depends on the capacity and operational policy of the auto salvage or recycling dealer.

Step Seven:Unsalvageable Parts

These parts are crushedusing industrial machines. They are then used as raw material for the manufacturing process.This step is often the final step in the auto recycling process.

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