subject: Review of Matt Cusson's Debut Album (RnB/Jazz) [print this page] Review of Matt Cusson's Debut Album (RnB/Jazz)
I am reviewing Matt Cusson's debut album even though it is over 2 years old because it is that good, and he is sadly not very well known. He is truly a musician. He writes his music, plays piano and guitar, and has an amazing voice. The genre of his music I would say is somewhere between R&B and Jazz. This album is best described as beautiful, laid-back, classy, and soulful. He has won numerous awards for songs on this album. Plus he has some awesome hats! :)
I first heard him at a small concert which I went to to see Javier at BB King's in New York. By the way, Javier is amazing too, and everyone should check him out as well. The first song Matt did was "Comfortable". I fell in love with the song the second I heard it. Got butterflies in my stomach just listening to it. That is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful songs ever made. It is a depressing song that too many people can probably relate too, but I love that. There is nothing better than music that conveys the artist's emotions and evokes emotion in the listener.
The music Matt Couson makes seems so rare now days. There are so many nights I want to go to a show that was like his. A "piano bar performance". A small setting with dinner and cocktails along with a guy playing the piano and singing. These shows are possibly more impressive to me than the big stage crazy concerts that are more recurrent these days because it focuses solely on the beauty of the music and is intimate.
My other favorite song on the album is called "Heaven", which is probably the most classy sexy song you can hear. It is about the topic that is most commonly sung about (I'll let you guess what that is) in a way that you have never heard from anyone else. I think this song is perfect for about any mood. It just makes me happy.
07 Heaven
Matt does a duet with Javier called "Same Old Song" which is amazing due to the fact that they are both extremely talented vocalists. "Every Step" is a fun song while at the same time has a deep relationship topic. "One of Those Nights" is the single that is being marketed towards Jazz audiences as he is now signed to a Jazz label. I just hope he continues to make the type music he is making rather than straight jazz and that the label will market him to everyone because Matt Cusson has the potential to be the Frank Sinatra of our day and should be given the opportunity to make history with his music.
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