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subject: Video Traffic Genius Review - Consider these excellent bonus offers [print this page]

Video Traffic Genius Review - Consider these excellent bonus offers

Video Traffic Genius was made by Tim and Anthony Buchalka, two of the Perfect Internet Markerters from down under. They have a new product called that will teach you how to position your OWN video on search engines like Google/Yahoo/Bing. If you can follow simple instructions, there is no reason why you ought not be able to duplicate their successful video ranking model.

When it comes to generating traffic, you will discover all sorts of fads and trends. Most are short-lived and borderline bombarding. To obtain the long-term results for your internet business, you must subscribe to a solid method, especially one that Google likes. Such technique is known as ranking your video in Google as well as having visitors click on the video thumbnail image to come directly to your website.

Now, there are actually video marketing techniques where you create videos to upload on Youtube but why go through the middle man? You will want to have people directly click the video and view it on your site or blog, right? That way, you can also promote products and even have an email form on the video page. If you present a lot of great content on your own blog, then the video sitemap technology may help your content significantly rank better in search engines.

Imagine ranking for highly competitive keywords just using video. Many new Web Entrepreneurs or those who want to generate income online are familiar with all kinds of traffic tactics. With Pay per click, you tend to lose money in case you are bidding too high or maybe not even generating traffic for anyone who is bidding too low. Additionally, you might also need to worry about the commission rate to break even. To try keywords also require funding, which many do not have if they are on a small budget. With Marketing With Articles, you have to do plenty of keywords research and write until your fingers curl up. Time is the problem with it comes to article marketing. Additionally, there are methods like posting on forums, blogs, classifieds, and so on, but many traffic you generate are short-lived. Youtube is the newest thing for video marketing, but how are you bound, people will click the link in your video description? Chances are they'll will be distracted on Youtube to view some funny videos or something.

This Video Traffic Genius course delivers the raw deal and will get you on top of things to put videos on your blog and have it rank in search engines to generate traffic. As long as you can setup a Wordpress blog, then you are ready to go as you are going to learn to install the Wordpress plugin that makes the technology possible. And when you do not know how to create a video, then that is not a difficulty. The course will teach you ways to create or even download videos from Youtube. They even include additional bonus softwares as well as free upgrades.

Overlook all those "internet marketing" plans you see publicized all over the place. In the event that you are looking to have a real online businesses and make a real income then THIS is for you. The key is generating targeted traffic and video marketing will be the key player from now on.

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