subject: Use Environment Friendly Products to Mitigate the Impact of Global Warming [print this page] Use Environment Friendly Products to Mitigate the Impact of Global Warming
It's a human characteristic to not undertake initiatives unless it becomes essential and that is now what is happening in the case of climate change all over the world. People started responding to this serious issue only when we crossed permissible limits. Things have gotten out of control and we need to try and follow eco lifestyle and use as many eco friendly products as possible. Let's take a quick look at this burning global topic and the initiatives we should take in order to mitigate the effects of global warming.
If you have seen or heard Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" you're familiar with the global changes that are being observed across the world. Here, he has emphasized what might happen in the future if we move forward with the present rate of CFC gas emission, the use of plastic materials and global industrial growth. The changes happening on the North and South Poles, African lakes, Himalayan glaciers, Amazon forests, Siberia and many other places are threatening the existence of all beings. Furthermore, the increasing sea level has is gradually inundating many archipelagos and island nations. Al Gore has suggested some powerful solutions. The use of green energy, the application of organic products, changes in our way of living, expansion of green forests and prohibition of plastic and synthetic materials are just some of the issues people are expected to consider.
When it comes to using biodegradable goods in our daily lives, many people raise the question over the feasibility of these items. Some people think that organic items are too expensive, not fashionable and do not last very long. But, in reality these are just myths; actually, organic items are very cost-effective and if you maintain and use them properly then they will remain useful for a long time.
Technological and industrial development has undoubtedly changed the world for the better but we can't overlook the way it has affected our environment. If people take some careful and wise steps then the adverse impact can be avoided to a great extent. At present, there are a number of environmentally friendly products available on the market such as organic bags, eco-friendly furniture, organic clothes, recycled jewelry, etc. that we can use in our daily lives.
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