subject: Travel and Learn Yoga [print this page] Travel and Learn Yoga Travel and Learn Yoga
I am currently based in Bangkok and live a relatively simple life. Work is easy enough, and very flexible. Finances are never enough to be extravagant, but I'm comfortable. Although in a semi-serious relationship, I have total freedom to either leave for a while, or take my partner and go overseas with me. After having recently seen a few television documentaries and done some research, I decided to have a quick go at Yoga in my local fitness center. Now I didn't really enjoy the experience a great deal, but not for reasons that one might first think. The thing that made it less than enjoyable was my instructor. Not only did the language barrier cause some misunderstandings, but he also appeared to not really understand Yoga for what it is. Therefore I am looking to learn Yoga properly and have a vacation at the same time. I want to go somewhere special, close to Buddhism and quite out of the way and spiritual. Even though Yoga originated in India, I don't want to go there again. I have decided to learn Yoga in Nepal. I appreciate that there are still going to be some language issues, but believe that the better techniques of the instructors and the serene environment will help us both. Nepal is not India, but let's face it, when Yoga was first created, practised and established several thousand years ago India as a nation didn't exist in its present form. Also, with all the hustle and bustle that one gets in India, I truly believe that Nepal has the best balance of spirituality, ease of relaxation, peace and fresh air, and competent instructors.
I will miss Bangkok. But I am so eager to become proficient in Yoga that I think it is the perfect opportunity to get away from the traffic and the sweltering Thai summer months. After doing some research, I have discovered that with the right mindset and some ability to meditate, one can become quite good at Yoga within just a few weeks. My biggest hurdles are going to be switching off the pain because I am far from lithe, flexible or athletic, and turning my mind off from worldly interruptions. Nepal is peaceful, yet it has a half-decent infrastructure for public transport and the people have relatively good English skills. The food is something that needs getting used to, but I don't foresee too much of a problem there.
The biggest decision to make, now that I have already decided to learn Yoga in Nepal is whether or not to take my partner. Freedom and loneliness are good commodities when trying to clear the mind, but doing things together is more fun and less expensive.
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