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subject: Make Money with a Portable Sawmill [print this page]

Make Money with a Portable Sawmill
Make Money with a Portable Sawmill

Starting a portable milling business is a good way to work part time to build some extra income or even something that can be pursued full time as a lucrative business. Either way, it is possible to make good money with a portable sawmill. Exactly how much is up to the individual.

For those looking to replace an income, payment is directly linked to production. If you already own a band sawmill, then the work will have to be appropriate for what the mill can handle. However, if you need to purchase a sawmill, then you have to take into consideration what kind of milling business you will run, the size of the wood you will be cutting and how big you wish to grow it. Then a sawmill can be matched to the requirements.

People often think the higher the production the more the sawmill will initially cost. But that's not necessarily so. Although, skimping on price and a buying cheap Chinese-made mill will short-change an operator in the long run. Start with a high-quality sawmill that will handle the logs you plan to mill and have the features you will need such as portability. Investing in a mill that is very versatile is generally wise - it can start as a manual portable band sawmill, but allows you to add trailer package, hydraulic attachments, etc .

A good place to start your sawmilling business is to find a customer base. It is important to know what work the business will be doing. For efficiency reasons, an operator has to look at the kerf efficiency, or how much wood is lost to sawdust when cutting. For those who need to cut waste and so limit profit-loss, a band sawmill has the best kerf rating, and therefore, places more money in their pocket.

When figuring expenses, thought has to be placed on fuel for the sawmill and transportation, band blade costs, lubricant, and the cost of the wood, if applicable. And routine maintenance has to be added in periodically. It also needs to be decided if additional help will be necessary.

One possible avenue to pursue is to find a niche, such as milling large timbers. For instance, fireplace mantels are always in high demand. Large overhead beams for homes are also a big dollar item. Focusing on these will allow you to not only corner the market, but will enable you to pinpoint your actions on one particular need versus constantly changing things up.

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