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An Easy Way to Start Your PPC Campaign
An Easy Way to Start Your PPC Campaign

Two of the most important factors of any Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign are creating successful ads and deciding how much to pay-per-click. There are many PPC options out there to choose from, I am going to focus on the most popular, Google Ad Words.

Creating your ad copy is the single most important part of any ad campaign. You want your ad to stand out amongst the others and scream out 'click me!' If your add looks and says the same thing as everyone else, users will simply pass it by.

Before creating your ads you need to set your target market and keyword selections. If your business is focuses on a specific market niche try to target your ads in regards to that niche. Properly targeted ads will almost always out-perform those directed at a general audience.

When creating your first ad be sure to fit in your main keywords either in the title or near the beginning of the body text. Say something to draw attention by using call to action phrases and words that provoke enthusiasm and response. You can say things like "Join now for 30% discount" or "Save on DVD" and so on.Just be cautious, if you advertise something that you don't offer, Google will pull your ad. If your ad says you have something for free, you better have something for free listed on your landing page! Always be sure to follow Google's Guidelines.

Once you are happy with your first ad, create 3-4 more ads that are radically different from the first. After 3 or 4 days take a look at how your ads are doing. (If you are using less frequently searched terms you may have to wait 1-2 weeks for better results.) Check the click through rate (CTR) of each ad. In most cases one of the 4 will show to be out-performing the rest. If this is the case, delete the poorly performing ads and create 3-4 new ads that closely resemble the successful one, each with subtle differences in the title and body text.

Again wait 3 or 4 days to see which of the ads is out performing the rest. If you again notice that one stands out, repeat the process. Eventually you will end up with 4 quality ads that are performing equally. Once the ads have levelled out, continue to keep an eye on them, I recommend daily. You must always keep an eye on your ads if you wish for them to continually perform well.

With Ad Words when you enter your MAX CPC, it will then show you what Google estimates your average position will be for each keyword.

The best way is, starting out with a MAX CPC little higher than you would normally, this will give you a little higher ranking and increase your chances of accumulating clicks. If your ad performs really well your rank will increase. As you begin to establish a good click through rate (CTR) you can adjust your max CPC to reflect the position you wish to obtain.

In the beginning it can be confusing to manage an Ad Words campaign, but it doesn't take long to get a handle on what works or don't.Creating a highly successful add the first time is a rare happening, but a while and a well targeted campaign it won't need long to seeing results.

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