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Find Out Tech-Savvy Money Transfer Routes

Completing a money transfer is pretty easy with the technology available today. Depending on the company you go through, you can use a computer, a land line phone, or a cell phone to send and receive money. All of these methods are fast and easy, and most permit you to decide between transferring funds to a bank account and transferring it to a debit card. Find out the typical ways to make a fast money transfer so that you can decide depending on your preferences.

One of the most tried and true techniques of transferring legal tender is through the Internet. For several years, it has been possible to sit down at the computer, log into a money transfer website, and send funds to an account. The prepaid debit card came along not long after, permitting you to transmit cash to a card instead of a traditional bank account. Now you can choose the one that you or your recipient likes, and you can do so while sitting at work, your house, or anywhere if you have a laptop.

Another common method for legal tender transfers is by phone. You can use either a land line or a cell phone to send funds from your account to your recipient's. Though this option is similar to using a computer in that you can do it from almost anywhere, it is the preferred choice for those who are not fond of sitting at a computer. Perhaps you are not computer-savvy, or maybe you already sit at a desk typing at work all day, and want to get away from this type of technology. Either way, most money transfer businesses allow you to use a phone to send funds so that you never have to go online to do this job.

Many people text message friends all the time, which is why the option to transfer them cash through this method is appealing to so many. A select few money transfer companies have made it possible for customers to download their software onto a cell phone, and then transfer funds from their account simply by sending a text message. Be aware that this is still a relatively new service, and not all companies have it. If you do find a company that offers customers this convenience, though, take advantage of its ability to send money to friends in seconds with the press of a few buttons.

These are the main tactics to give legal tender to friends and family without getting bored or making them wait days for the funds. Since you likely already use a computer, call people, or text message regularly, you might as well help out a few friends, or perhaps pay them back for a past monetary favor at the same time. Choose the method that most appeals to you, and then find a reputable company that has the one you want.

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