Did you know that there are over 1800 different kinds of termites? The insect family "Isoptera" is said to have evolved from the cockroach. Termites are one of the oldest living insects that still exist and are very troublesome.
They live in colonies. They eat wood and can destroy homes and offices if there's no termite treatment. If not completely controlled, termites can survive for as long as seven decades. The minute you spot a termite colony, you must contact pest control services as soon as possible.
1. Identifying the termite
The first thing exterminators do in the termite treatment process is to identify the termite that is causing the infestation. There are the dry-wood termites and the subterranean termites. The dry-wood termites are the most destructive among all termites. They nest with wood and their colonies are small piles of dirt that are located around and on the wooden structures. The subterranean termites enter the wood from under the ground because they dig through the soil. They are harder to identify but are easily spotted. Just check the soil near the entry ways because this is where they burrow.
2. Getting rid of termites
By the time that the termite colony is discovered, there is a need for grave termite treatment. A professional is often called in. Pest control experts have the required equipment, specialized tools and chemicals that can eradicate these termites as soon as possible. A way for a homeowner or entrepreneur to contact a professional pest control company is to compare their rates and go for the one that is within their budget.
Once called in, exterminators turn to different procedures of termite treatment. One is fumigation which is quite lengthy because it involves tenting the diseased structure and then evacuating the residents. By pumping the fumigant into the spoiled wood, the exterminator can easily remove the annoying pests.
3. Alternative remedies
If the homeowner of entrepreneur cannot afford a professional, then he can always do it himself. There are alternative remedies for termite treatment. One is insecticides. This is shot directly into the infested wood. Soon enough, the termites wither and then slowly die.
Boric acid can be used as well. Dissolving this into the water and then applied on the affected area prevent the termites from coming in. This is often used for preventive stages - and then again when it comes to pest control, prevention is always better than cure.
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